Unofficial MLB 2K8 Tips and Tricks Thread


WiiChat Member
Jul 4, 2007
Denver, CO
Wii Online Code
Hey all - I just picked up MLB 2K8. I'm still kinda new to the whole gaming world and this is my first sports-themed game (I've pretty much conquered Z:TP, MP3, RE4 and SMG). I've only spent an hour or so on it and feel like I'm starting to get the hang of the pitching and hitting. The defense and base-running is still totally foreign to me.

Anyway - I'd love to hear how to do everything in the game. How do you go for a double when you hit a gapper instead of just standing there on 1st base? How do you save different lineups? Is there a way to trade players between teams?

I guess I could try to pick up these kinds of things on my own, but what's the fun in that, when we have such an awesome forum here as a resource?

I'm still figuring out the fine points of the game. I really don't know how to take advantage of franchise mode - if someone could post a juicy link it would be much appreciated.

Base running is controlled by the joystick, C Z A and B buttons. To make a runner go an extra base either highlight the runner with the joystick (you'll see orange flashing around him on the splitsceen) and press Z or press C to advance ALL runners - but don't press it twice, or you'll go all the way to third. A and B retreat the runners.

Edit- you can also move a highlighted runner with the D-pad (right-first up-2nd left-third and down-home) This is covered in the instruction manual.

I'm sure you can change lineups and trade players and save, but none of this is covered well in the manual. Just mess around with the options until you figure it out, it shouldn't be too hard.
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use the tutorail for your first time,for pitching i usually quit when i get to the intentional walk cause i cant do it,i hold the wiimote up,press A and the hold my arm out,nothing happens.

but a good pitching tip is to make sure you release at the green circle and pitch where the catcher wants you to pitch,unless the count is like 3-1 or something. a fielding tip is to hold Z cause that gives you speed boost,the smart throw is only good for single plays,double play smart throw isnt that great cause they throw to the ONE base they have a good chance of getting the person out at.

batting tip-i really suck at batting in this cause i swing too early so i chose rookie mode, it really helps you out but i suggest lowering the power ALOT, i won 20-0 just now cause i hit so much home runs,4 with derek lee

i want a good tip on HOW TO JUMP with your fielder
torontowii said:
i want a good tip on HOW TO JUMP with your fielder

Yank the wiimote up. I never been able to jump consistantly, but that's how it's done.
what about intentional walks,its annoying having to do 4 bad pitches and end up tiring out my pitcher
The intentional walk is tricky. Hold the wiimote with the pointer up at the roof and press A, then move the remote to the right, away from the TV. You could just bean the guy, but then you risk getting kicked out! Good luck with that, I found the intentional walk annoying.
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Thanks skidmarx. I didn't get much by way of an "instruction manual" with my game. It's more like just two pages of basic instructions on how to use the buttons. There's nothing there about the meaning of VIPs, Franchise, Season, how these things interact etc.

I did successfully "force" a trade of Santana to the Mets but then couldn't figure out how to save it.
You should look at the booklet of the game if provided as it has a lot of information in it.

To save, you go to My 2k8, then go to Save/Load, then Save your franchise.
Trading is done in the GM options or whatever it is called in the game.

Fielding should be pretty easy, just run your guy over to the circle as quickly as you can, use Z to boost and wait underneath it to catch it.
torontowii said:
what about intentional walks,its annoying having to do 4 bad pitches and end up tiring out my pitcher

It took me FOREVER to figure it out turns out that you are supposed to move the NUNCHUK out to the side - not the Wiimote :mad2:
Yeah the instruction manual is a joke. It could have been 64 pages long and still incomplete.

I'm hoping someone will write a FAQ for this game soon.

EDIT- btw don't forget to apply online for your free Jose Reyes bobblehead!
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btw don't forget to apply online for your free Jose Reyes bobblehead!

Yeah I got that part figured out before I even put the disc in!
same lol,the thing i was questioning when i got the game was if it was correct or not,cause i say on ebgames that if you pre order you get the bobble head,i guess it was just a bonus one you got instantly.
CantGetAWii said:
You should look at the booklet of the game if provided as it has a lot of information in it.

To save, you go to My 2k8, then go to Save/Load, then Save your franchise.
Trading is done in the GM options or whatever it is called in the game.

Fielding should be pretty easy, just run your guy over to the circle as quickly as you can, use Z to boost and wait underneath it to catch it.

Umm, not really...
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kestu said:
Hello everyone - has anyone figured out how to unlock old jerseys yet?

I think you earn credits or whatever by accomplishing certain things in the game play, then you can just buy them. I bought the 83 Mets uni's but haven't figured out how to let them wear them yet.

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