Walmart 12:01 launch update

pizzaluvr said:
how would they catch you? put it in you pocket
I'd be kind of scared if they didn't check for weapons or something though, because people are crazy, but I'd like to have it with me, as a security blanket
Does anyone know what the case with the Midnight launches are in Canada? Cause I really want a Wii, but no one has mentioned a Midnight launch as of yey. Anyone have any info on that?
My walmart isn't closing :D called them up and said they didn't know what i was talking about :D Also went to the electronics department and he said he didn't really know but they might set up some sort of line so people can wait before midnight
yeah now i guess my waiting time will be chopped short... dont know if i should stay put with what i have scheduled or kick an extra few hours into waiting...
yeah, I just called my local wal-mart and nobody answered in electronics.... freaking punks.
why are you guys talking about bringin weapons now? once you get a voucher, you could go back during the day so you wont get mugged, well at least by anyone that has proper theif ediquette.
I'd hate to be the guy at Wal Mart you hand it to when you go to pick up your Wii.....
All the wal-marts near me are super wal-marts meaning 24 hours. And Each one I called said they are just blocking off the electronics(like they do with every section at night to clean the floors) until they finish unpacking them.
that's weird. There's two wal-marts I'm keeping my eye on, and I'd really like to get to a midnight launch (because I lose less sleep that way). The one nearest to me doesn't answer the phone. The other said they're going to put theirs out at 8 am. Both are 24 hour wal-marts. I guess I'll have to wait until next week and see if anything changes. If I end up at a midnight launch, I'll probably do a sweep after lunch and if there's no line, come back after dinner (6 - 8 pm). If I end up at an 8 am launch, I maytry to get there as early as 11p....

It all depends on how they're going to handle it and how much stock they expect. I probably won't know until a week from now.
OK, so after I called, they said that they didn't know how many they were getting, and that our store is NOT doing the voucher system it'll just be a midnight free-for-al--- I mean, first come-first serve