What are the 5 games your getting in the Launch Window Nov 19 -Dec 31


Brawl is The Best SSB
Aug 16, 2006
Kitchener, Canada (Wario,ROB and Lucas My Mains. S
Wii Online Code
These Are the games I'm getting

1.Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
2.Excite Truck
3.Red Steel
4.Rayman Raving Rabbids
5.Trauma Center

but if I was to get 10 Games it would be
6. Wario Ware Smooth Moves It's out Jan 17 2007
8.Zelda Tp
9.Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
10;Metal Slug Antholgy

Zelda's so low because I don't relly like Zelda that much it might move up to 4 or 5 spot if when I rent it and if I like it.

Wii Fund $377.?? CND Will be more this friday when I get my last check before the Wii comes out
Wii will be out in 7 Days Bois
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yeah same for me, Zelda and Red steel (already paied off), but i might also get Trauma Center, but not sure yet...
Zelda, Red Steel, Excite Truck

As for the others, I'm not very interested in any other titles at this point.
Ledja said:
Zelda, Red Steel, Excite Truck

As for the others, I'm not very interested in any other titles at this point.
Oh yeah I might pick up a copy of Excite truck, but other than that, the other games just don't interst me, maybe I need to play them
Red Steel and 1 more. Would have been Zelda but i dont have time to get heavily involved with a game at this moment in time. I will probaly get it for next summer holiday after ive finished collage. Looking at a racing game maybe Excite Truck or NFS but i havent heard anything about NFS yet..
I already have red steel and rayman pre-ordered and being shipped to me from best buy (canada)

On launch I will be picking up zelda with my system

The other 2 games that I will get closer to December will probably be Trauma Center and COD 3
I'm only getting Red Steel and Zelda, but if I could get five.

1.) Zelda TP
2.) Red Steel
3.) CoD 3
4.) Excite Truck
5.) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent
Red Steel
Monkey Ball
Trauma Center

All on launch day. :D
I just getting Zelda and Excite Truck but if I could get five it would probably be something liek this....

1. Zelda
2. Excite Truck
3. Red Steel
4. Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
5. Trauma Center or Rayman