What are you listening to?

James Brown - I feel good :D

So fun to sit in a library full of chavs in college.. plus a disgusting couple one side of me and an old woman the other side :thumbsup: oh and it's raining, and my next lesson is in another block to the one im in now = wettage
Plus i've been kicked out of my mothers house by my step-father and am going to turn up at my fathers house tonight to basiclly live there now and he doesn't know :thumbsup:

So yes, there's a bit of irony in the song Im listening too
Oh i just found an awesome new band called State Radio. I had one random track from them but I have no clue where it came from. So I looked for the rest of their stuff on iTunes and they are pretty sweet.

if you like reggae/rock download their Us Against the Crown album, good stuff.
Seven Bridges Road - The Eagles :) Good Song
bad religion
system of a down
blink 182
panic at the disco
mm great music good for RPG games i think