what are your bets for the USB ports?

What usb options will be available?

  • Webcam

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Additional storage

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Add-on units

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Anything connected to your desktop

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Licensed from Nintendo only

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters


Hero of Time
Jul 1, 2006
There are 2 USB ports on the back of the Wii :wtf: what do you think they will make to plug in there, webcam, additional storage, add-on units?
Maybe to connect with the DS, or to... connect with a digital camera... or the camera or to make HOT CAKES!!!!
well, definitely not for the DS (they confirmed that would use wireless), camera: very possible, hot cakes *crosses fingers* would be nice. I would wonder though, if it would be licensed for Nintendo only, then why would they use such a common port and not something only they produce?
maybe it will be for a keyboard. they could have you use one of those instead of a mic for online play like for the GC.
If the PS3 can grill up some burgers I think the wii should be able to make hotcakes
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Supermariomp3 said:
If the PS3 can grill up some burgers I think the wii should be able to make hotcakes

man i love that picture every time i see it it makes
me think george foreman lol.. it is so true the ps3 looks like a grill... i still want one tho .. grill me some burgers!!
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Supermariomp3 said:
If the PS3 can grill up some burgers I think the wii should be able to make hotcakes
considering that the ps3 hasn't really shown anything to support the price tag or hype if it dooes have a grill I bet only the top or bottom actually grill unless you get the ultra edition for $2,000. But sony says its worth it you idiots:tard:, this is the latest grilling technology we put stuff in here noone will ever use because it's too damn hard to even :wtf:unlock/discover the secrets of how it works. I mean come on we made betamax the superior videotape player(for those who don't know VHS won that battle with lower technical poweress, like the ps3/Wii battle huh:lol:).

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