What games you want on Wii?


WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2006
Hello, I'm a harcore gamer and I want the best games for my Wii.
I want: Metal Gear 4, Silent Hill Origins, Silent Hill V, Resident Evil 5, Bioshock, Crisis, Portal, COD4, Gears of Wars, Halo, Devil May Cry 4, Ninja Gaiden, Gran Turismo, Kill Zone, Turok, Haze, etc............(the best third party catalog)
But how you increase the pressure over third-party to make the games that you want??
I think if the Wii owners make massive online petitions and send very high amount of emails to third parties about the games most wanted, probably the third parties makes these games FOR WII!!
Other option, if Nintendo invest to third parties (Epic, Bugie, IDsoftware, Valve, etc...) to make second party games. These games will be great for Wii owners!!
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i lold at your post. well start a petition and ill gladly follow u. for SPAAAAAAAAAAARTAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drum hero

a wii-exclusive zelda

call of duty 4 (PLEEAASSSEEE)

a REAL soul calibur game

an online fps made by valve
I'm sorry to say these things won't happen. The developers of these games have very sought after franchises. They want their games to be cutting edge and push the bar. Sadly the wii doesn't do that in any way other than gameplay. The wii might be winning the console war, but games are usually released for 360 and PS3 and those two added together have more consumers than the wii. Not to mention the 360 and PS3 demographic are more hardcore than the average wii owner to begin with.

If you're that hardcore you might want to consider investing in a 360 or PS3. Honestly not one of those games will come to wii this generation so it seems to me like you should sell your wii and get a 360 or PS3. Unless you're super excited for the games coming out.
We see a lot of shoddy ports on the Wii so why not port something that was decent but overlooked when it was released. My suggestion would be Project: Snowblind, a FPS game that was well rated on PS2 but sold less than 60000 copies.

As for titles that i really really want to see end up on the Wii there are only 2 that i am desperate for. Pilotwings and Rogue Squadron.
Axl16 said:
Hello, I'm a harcore gamer and I want the best games for my Wii.
I want: Metal Gear 4 - I think Sony owns the rights, Silent Hill Origins, Silent Hill V, Resident Evil 5 - Already stated not gonna happen, but if you have have $70 or 70 euros get resident evil zero and a datel freeloader, Bioshock - X-box exclusive, Crisis - X-box exclusive, Portal - X-box exlusive, COD4 - Wait for COD5 its comming to wii, Gears of Wars - X.box exclusive, Halo - X-box exlusive, Devil May Cry 4, Ninja Gaiden, Gran Turismo - PS exclusive, Kill Zone, Turok, Haze, etc............(the best third party catalog)
But how you increase the pressure over third-party to make the games that you want??
I think if the Wii owners make massive online petitions and send very high amount of emails to third parties about the games most wanted, probably the third parties makes these games FOR WII!!
Other option, if Nintendo invest to third parties (Epic, Bugie, IDsoftware, Valve, etc...) to make second party games. These games will be great for Wii owners!!
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Let me help you with that. Some arent third party. For most of the games if you have the money just get and X-box, for 2 get a PS3, or if you have the money get both.
i'd just like more hardcore games, such as shooters and stuff like that. RE4 was great, and REUC could of been much better with RE4 style gameplay. MOHH2 was awesome, and with Bungie now third party, they can make some awesome new shooter type game(halo's out of the question, microsoft owns rights to that) COD remakes would be pretty sweet, or just an exclusive COD modern warfare type game for the wii.
Axl16 said:
Hello, I'm a harcore gamer and I want the best games for my Wii.
I want: Metal Gear 4, Silent Hill Origins, Silent Hill V, Resident Evil 5, Bioshock, Crisis, Portal, COD4, Gears of Wars, Halo, Devil May Cry 4, Ninja Gaiden, Gran Turismo, Kill Zone, Turok, Haze, etc............(the best third party catalog)
But how you increase the pressure over third-party to make the games that you want??
I think if the Wii owners make massive online petitions and send very high amount of emails to third parties about the games most wanted, probably the third parties makes these games FOR WII!!
Other option, if Nintendo invest to third parties (Epic, Bugie, IDsoftware, Valve, etc...) to make second party games. These games will be great for Wii owners!!
What you Think?

Ugh.... lame post.

Now you can see why the Wii is collecting dust? Not enough adult titles

Ahwell I won't be one of these whingers begging Capcom to port Resi Evil 5 :lol:
As I will be playing it on my 40 inch hd setup with my nice new shiny PS3

I'm sorry but you can have the gimmick that is the wii remote but without quality titles which are hitting the 360 and PS3 i'm not f**king interested

Nah Nintendo don't have the ambition to invest! they are making shed loads from DS and Wii sells you ought to think they would buy some decent third party support!

What do we get? Wii fit and Wii Chess jesus give me a break already lol

Not everybody is a mario kart of smash bros fan you know give me GTA 4 anyday of the week!
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This isn't the first post I've seen with people whining about how the Wii doesn't have "adult-oriented" games. If you're not satisfied with your Wii, go buy a different system. If you want more adult titles, why would you invest in the Wii in the first place?

And the Wii-Mote isn't a gimmick, in my opinion. I have a PS3, as well...and while it has great potential, and a couple games I'm looking forward to (FFXIII!), I have to say that the Sixxaxis (or however you spell it) is a gimmick. It's wireless and all, but did they really need to incorporate motion-sensing technology into the controller if it's hardly utilized, and when it is, it isn't very enjoyable?
Deospawn said:
This isn't the first post I've seen with people whining about how the Wii doesn't have "adult-oriented" games. If you're not satisfied with your Wii, go buy a different system. If you want more adult titles, why would you invest in the Wii in the first place?

And the Wii-Mote isn't a gimmick, in my opinion. I have a PS3, as well...and while it has great potential, and a couple games I'm looking forward to (FFXIII!), I have to say that the Sixxaxis (or however you spell it) is a gimmick. It's wireless and all, but did they really need to incorporate motion-sensing technology into the controller if it's hardly utilized, and when it is, it isn't very enjoyable?

You're right this definitely isn't the first post full of whiners, personally I only own the one console, but I do have two Alienware Machines and a Falcon Laptop, I love my Wii, love everything about it and honestly I love the graphics, I want my games to look like games, I live in the real world I don't need turn on a game for realism, I turn on a game for the unreality of it all. As far as hardcore titles, it's very hard to beat the pure power of a PC, that is of course if you have the money. I love my Wii and play it more than anything else, but when I do have the need for some hardcore action I just play some TF2, Portal, WoW, AOE, TOCA, DOOM3, Unreal or the old reliable Quake 3. I really don't think we need to keep hearing about what the Wii doesn't do well, we all know, and if you don't like it then get rid of it, but don't keep coming her whining about it.
My friend got a 360 off of craig's list and we played it for a bit. We grew up playing computer games and while the graphics were definitely better than wii graphics, It wasn't mind blowing or anything. Computers have been doing grahics like the 360's for a long time, at least close enough where it didn't seem to me like they were all that impressive.

I enjoy playing WC3 DotA far more than I enjoy any of the games on my wii. Wii Sports and Zelda when I first got it and Mario Galaxy came really close. But growing up playing computer games with expected online interaction, consoles will just never match up. I wish I'd come to this realization before I sank so much into my wii. I'm hoping SSBB and Mario Kart will change my mind. But you're so right elron, computers have always and will always be better.

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