What is the Wii price currently?


Your buddy! Or not . . .
I don't know if any of you noticed this, but every single website that sells things (such as Walmart Amazon Target etc.) sells a Nintendo Wii for about 600 dollars. At Walmart.com, it says Customer Choice Bundle, but it is the exact same thing as the regular Wii. Is that really how much they are selling the Wii for?
If so, do you know where I can buy a Wii for the regular price? (online and offline)
Right now. Maybe $400, I got mine for that price since it was almost the last wii in Canada BC. That was just a few weeks ago.
The Wal-Mart bundle is the same Wii, except you get some games and accessories with it. You aren't buying JUST the Wii with that bundle, thats why they call it a BUNDLE.

I bout mine a couple of weeks ago for $250. If you find it where they aren't selling it with extras, it should cost you $250.
K LoLo said:
The Wal-Mart bundle is the same Wii, except you get some games and accessories with it. You aren't buying JUST the Wii with that bundle, thats why they call it a BUNDLE.

I bout mine a couple of weeks ago for $250. If you find it where they aren't selling it with extras, it should cost you $250.
Yeah I guess It costed more because of the extra stuff such as wii play and wii sports
The exact price of the Nintendo Wii according to Best Buy, Future Shop and possibly EB Games/Gamestop is $269.99 + tax.
Syntax said:
The exact price of the Nintendo Wii according to Best Buy, Future Shop and possibly EB Games/Gamestop is $269.99 + tax.

Thats surprising. Ah the law of supply and demand. I paid $250 in January.
Everything is a click of the mouse away.

For the non believers...


If that doesnt look big enough, go to here:


The only problem is, its sold out.
I never said it was good. But you do get like, 7 games...roughly 50 bucks each, totaling around 400 extra bucks, so it does make sense. Plus another accessory (remote, wireless sensor bar, etc. - whatever you want). They price is the same if you bought it all separately. Eventually, you'll spend that much on it anyway, but they're just trying to get it all in one sale.

But, if you go to wal-mart, they'll sell it with just the Wii (or did for me). $249.99 + tax
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Most of the Wii's you can find online will only come bundled because they are so short on stock.

The current going rate for a stock Wii is still $250... if you can find one.

My site, miiwiichat (dot) com, has a method to get a Wii unit from Nintendo for $250. Get a Wii without even leaving your house. Great article.

I seriously doubt anyone can find a Wii unless they are VERY lucky or they wait outside a store for hours (if you can beat the rush).

Ebay seems to be the most chosen method. You'll spend a little more then retail price ($350-$500) but you're not sitting outside in the cold for hours.
A shop near me upped the price of the wiimote controllers by like £100.. they aren't allowed to raise the price of the actual consoles, so they sell a 'bundle' with one extra wiimote for like loaaaads more than what it's worth. =/
I'm trying to get one too, I have a friend a BJ's wholesale club but they can't guarantee they;ll get some before Christmas. I have another way that isn't 100% reliable and I'm talking to a guy locally who wants to sell me one for $325, should I do it?
FLYNNN said:
I'm trying to get one too, I have a friend a BJ's wholesale club but they can't guarantee they;ll get some before Christmas. I have another way that isn't 100% reliable and I'm talking to a guy locally who wants to sell me one for $325, should I do it?
$325 for just the console? I wouldn't.

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