What is your opion on the new fishing in Zelda?


Jul 7, 2006
I know its not the main focus of the game, but the fishing mini-game in loz:Oot was really fun in my opion. The new fishing system in loz:Tp looks alot cooler.
I think the whole flick to cast thing could be cool and using special contoller movements to reel in a lunker would be a lot different than the other stuff. I'm sure it will be way better than the fishing on Link's Awakening for the original Gameboy, cause I've only played the old Zelda's and the gameboy Zelda's. I checked out of videogaming during the PSX, N64, DC era. But I plan to get the N64 Zelda releases on VC, if that counts for anything. :)
I think the movement sensor gives life to the gAme and that make it easy and great to play!
To me it seems there pointing a lot of emphasies on this, why? i do not know
it would be hard to control sort of because theres no resistance to pull against you so you wouldnt really be pulling against a fish...
fishing on the LOZ:OOT was a great and addictive mini-game.

i cannot wait to see how this one turns out, with the new controller.
I reckon it'll be fun for about 2 hours, and then that'll be it. You can't keep swinging your arm around like that!
stupidpoems said:
I reckon it'll be fun for about 2 hours, and then that'll be it. You can't keep swinging your arm around like that!

2 Hours?! Why don't you go out and fish for real if you would sit around and do that lol...

- Scythe
Because the fish don't bite in late-fall/winter or like right now when it's 100 fricken degrees, u'r not gonna want to go outside and fish...btw I wouldn't play "wish for a fish" for 2 hr.s anyway:p...
And when I say "wish for a fish" I mean it. Has anyone seen the clips? He only catches 1 or 2 fish in like 10 min....
Yeh but i guess that adds more realism to the game, I mean i've been fishing like 100 times and most times I've only caught 3 or 4
i love how you use the controller when fishing in the new zelda. looks like it will make it even more realistic and fun (but VERY tireing lol)

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