What is YOUR Wii Budget for Launch Day?


Sep 15, 2006
Wii Online Code
Ok, I started this on the 360 forums I frequent and it went over wel. Anyway, what is the budget you are giving yourself for the launch of the Wii?

I am doing $500 USD for release day plus I already have a 2 GIG SD and will be buying another before the Wii even releases. I CAN'T WAIT!
Well, I think I'm only going to buy the Wii and Zelda (possibly memory card if I'm forced to do that if Wii dosen't save games) My sister is buying me a game for my Christmas+Birthday gift, but I said she can pick out the game with my approval of course. So I will get a game whenever. Man I just hope the Wii can save a few games at least on it. Man All_Out your rich..
My Wii budget is sort of up in the air right now. I've got a little over $300 in the bank from my summer job and some extra from my birthday and weekly yard work, but my mom wants me to actually save my money for once.

The truth is, I don't know if I can justify a new console. I haven't played a videogame in probably a month and during the summer, I hardly played at all. Maybe it's because I'm on here too much, talking about videogames instead of playing them.

If I do end up getting Wii on it's release, I'll get Zelda, Red Steel, and Far Cry (if it's still a launch title). I really want atleast three games so I don't get bored or fed up with one or two. I also really want to get an extra wiimote/nunchuk, which will run like $60+tax=$70! I think Nintendo needs to lower the price of that; rediculous IMO.

I think I just need to quit spending sooo much time online and more time gaming....but right at the moment, I'm feeling lazy.:D
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Get it man! I saw the pictures of your set-up and you hav e the two old consoles, you need a next-gen console and the Wii is the perfect one.
Yeah. Yeah, you're right, All Out!

I'll finish up the Xbox games I have yet to finish (Ninja Gaiden and Oddworld: Munch's Oddsyee), get a few of the PS2 games I really wanted and haven't been able to get until now (like Rez, Ico, Shadow of the Colossos, and OMG Katamari Damacy) and then when Wii comes out I'll get one of those games I want and rent the rest with gamefly until I have some more cash.

Thanks for the push.:D
Sovieto said:
Well, I think I'm only going to buy the Wii and Zelda (possibly memory card if I'm forced to do that if Wii dosen't save games) My sister is buying me a game for my Christmas+Birthday gift, but I said she can pick out the game with my approval of course. So I will get a game whenever. Man I just hope the Wii can save a few games at least on it. Man All_Out your rich..
OMG, my sister is doing the same thing! My b'day is in october so im delaying my birthday so when the wii comes out my parents can pay like the majority of it. Ive already got a 4gig SD card. So i will get Zelda with my own money and my sister will buy me Red Steel and ill probably buy Opera ont the same day.
I've already worked how much i roughly need ($750 AUS) yes I am getting a lot. LoZ:TP, Wii Play, Red Steel, Wiimote and Nunchuck, 4gig SD card and of course the wii console (which includes another Wiimote and Nunchuck and wii sports).
m7ticalm said:
OMG, my sister is doing the same thing! My b'day is in october so im delaying my birthday so when the wii comes out my parents can pay like the majority of it. Ive already got a 4gig SD card. So i will get Zelda with my own money and my sister will buy me Red Steel and ill probably buy Opera ont the same day.

haha yah my birthday is november 21, go figure. so when it comes out, we will decide then i guess she will get it for me on my birthday instead, the orgininal plan was on launch but i thought it was coming out early november
well right now i have 600$ and im using 400$ of it for the wii. i kind of want to save my money....................but then again i want all i can get for my wii(and a new gaming chair):D .should i spend it all now.......or w8 till chrismas
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however much money I can have saved in cash by then. I was going to pre-order and pay it all off at EB's so I could just go pick it up on release day (like I did with the DS lite), but I call BS on their pre-order trade-in deal. So, I may be either waiting or ordering somewhere else.
Well, I allready have a sizable SD Card I use for my Phone, so that won't be a problem.

I'll be wanting to snatch a up a game with the Wii, and another Controller so although I don't really have a budget -- I'll say I'll probably end up spending around $350. Give or take.
i've currently just got 214 USD but october 8 i'l have:382 USD
but when i sale my ps2 i'l have about 535 USD WooW i may have the money for TP two at launch.. nice;)
cause i was just going to buy the wii package and play wiisports..
I usually only get about £90-100 of my parents and my winter job i usually do (not santa claus!) looks to be down the drain. (and i just spent £25 on karting as well!)

I need money!

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