What's a TRUE Paranormal or Scary you know?


Jan 26, 2009
Oakland,California,USA/In the ghetto
Wii Online Code
Well I don't know many stories but everyone in the town that my dad was born over in Mexico claim that this did happen. There is this little hill not far from my grandmas house and nobody goes up there for no reason because people claim to have seen the Devil up there. Well one night this person or someone dressed in all black riding a horse went to my dads uncle's house and the guy supposely was yelling his name really loud and my dads uncle granbed his gun and machete and pushed against the door in case that someone tried to get in. This guy that lives close to my dads uncle's house said that he walked outside and saw that the man had no head. During the morning everybody in town said that there was a whole bunch of horse tracks everywere. That is what my aunts and grandma said that was true.
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LOCH NESS...He put it in bold.

C'mon, it's a just a topic to talk about, should we talk about, marriage, divorce, incest, sex moreso?

We can't always talk about the wii.

Thank you! In the first place like I said before I made thread in the wrong place. Second it's not like everyone has a wii, I know few people that have one. Third is that here in the USA there isn't many scary stories to talk about and since Wii Chat is pretty much worldwide there must be someone that knows true scary stories. Now lets get back to the original topic please.

Has anyone have heard of Bloody Marry? Is the one that you go to a bathroom turn off the lights, lock the door, and say Bloody Marry 5 times while looking at the mirror. Supposely something bad happens but it's all belief.
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Well I was trying to sleep, I just got in the bed. Suddenly I noticed my body was completly paralized. Then I felt weight on the foot of my bed and heard the bed start slowly squeaking. I felt hands on each side of me making their way up, followed by what I imagined to be its knees. Also felt the bastards body atop mine. I was trying to move but couldn't. This wasn't my first paranormal run-in so I was more pissed off than scared, though I was scared. I was trying to clench my fist but couldn't. By that time I could tell its face was next to mine due to the breathing on my cheek. It then started sniffing then let out a long whispery sigh in my ear. Suddenly it stoped and all the weight atop me dissapeared. At the same time my body sprung up and swung at whatever it was, but it was gone.
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Well I was trying to sleep, I just got in the bed. Suddenly I noticed my body was completly paralized. Then I felt weight on the foot of my bed and heard the bed start slowly squeaking. I felt hands on each side of me making their way up, followed by what I imagined to be its knees. Also felt the bastards body atop mine. I was trying to move but couldn't. This wasn't my first paranormal run-in so I was more pissed off than scared, though I was scared. I was trying to clench my fist but couldn't. By that time I could tell its face was next to mine due to the breathing on my cheek. It then started sniffing then let out a long whispery sigh in my ear. Suddenly it stoped and all the weight atop me dissapeared. At the same time my body sprung up and swung at whatever it was, but it was gone.

Did you go to a church or to priest so they could bless your house or something. You said that it wasn't the first time, what happen in the other occasion?
Well I was trying to sleep, I just got in the bed. Suddenly I noticed my body was completly paralized. Then I felt weight on the foot of my bed and heard the bed start slowly squeaking. I felt hands on each side of me making their way up, followed by what I imagined to be its knees. Also felt the bastards body atop mine. I was trying to move but couldn't. This wasn't my first paranormal run-in so I was more pissed off than scared, though I was scared. I was trying to clench my fist but couldn't. By that time I could tell its face was next to mine due to the breathing on my cheek. It then started sniffing then let out a long whispery sigh in my ear. Suddenly it stoped and all the weight atop me dissapeared. At the same time my body sprung up and swung at whatever it was, but it was gone.

What you experienced is called Sleep Paralysis. It's not at all paranormal.

More info here:

Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from a REM state, but the body paralysis persists. This leaves the person fully conscious, but unable to move. In addition, the state may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger.[3] Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual due to the vividness of such hallucinations.[4] The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful, or dream-like, objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision. Some scientists have proposed this condition as an explanation for alien abductions and ghostly encounters.[5]
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What you experienced is called Sleep Paralysis. It's not at all paranormal.

More info here:

Some people believe that you could die in your sleep. I was watching this TV show and it said that there was this lady who had problems sleeping. She usually dreamed of this short little deamon chocking her, until one night that she was assleep and died from a heartattack. The cause of the heartattack was that she probably got so scared that she got a heartattack in her sleep and died.
I know all about Sleep Paralyisis. It couldn't have been that.