What's error 98050?


Jedi master
Aug 8, 2007
Hello, I'm rather new to this forum though I've been browsing it for about two weeks now. I was just wondering if anyone has run into error 98050 when trying to get online with Mario Strikers Charged? I haven't been able to get online a single time yet because of this error. Thanks.
i get that sometimes, try restarting your router, and if that doesn't work, just wait a while and try again. I usually just play some single-player for a while, then try to go online again. How long have you been trying to get online?
wow, that's longer than i thought....can your wii get online outside of MSC?
masterjedi said:
Hello, I'm rather new to this forum though I've been browsing it for about two weeks now. I was just wondering if anyone has run into error 98050 when trying to get online with Mario Strikers Charged? I haven't been able to get online a single time yet because of this error. Thanks.

yes it suppose to happend on the first season. it shouldn't happen now. nintendo fixed it. how far is ur connection? that might be a factor.
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Yep. I've done the connection test a few times and it's turned out alright. I've been having some issues with my router lately where I've had to keep resetting it, but that's the only thing I can think of.

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