whats the difffence between

Something else i didnt know about?
Another thing i learned today!
"Surprised at school to tell the truth, i really dont learn anything becuz they talk about things i already know! But on wiichat, i learn things that i never thought of hearing interesting" (Heard of a 220 gig, but never knew they stopped selling it!:yikes: )
I think he meant 20 CyanRussel yeah when we get to 220 GB there's gonna be like 40 GB games for download
sry it was a grammer mistake....but i can't shake the feeling you fuys were just joking........Are....Are you guys makin a conspiracy against me.......if im from the goverment MUHAHAHAHAHA

you can have a 220 gig if you want it lol, you can use a larger hard drive you can get off newegg.com or what not. a 220 gig should be about 100-200 bucks at most.