Whats The Sword Controls?

D Twizzle

Lovin' The Wii
Aug 16, 2006
Nottingham, England
Wii Online Code
I know you can force the Wiimote down and it does a finishing blow and you can shove enemys away with it. But does anyone know if you can actually swing your sword with the Wiimote?
D Twizzle said:
I know you can force the Wiimote down and it does a finishing blow and you can shove enemys away with it. But does anyone know if you can actually swing your sword with the Wiimote?
yeh, but i heard it does preconfigured moves. :confused:
I think ones of them you make a circle in the air and he/she will do a spinning attack.
I'm assuming this since in mario galaxy if you do that he does his spin attack thing
Freehand would be utterly useless in this game, have you even thought how it could be implemented, relatively speaking the figure you control is quite small making his sword even smaller, how would you accurately control him and WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT OF FREEHAND?! It seems sometimes that people want this in because it sounds like a good idea, and yes in somethings it could be, I'd like it to be an option in Red Steel because yes I can handle a sword so it would be cool.

But come ON, could you imagine playing LoZ:OOT or MM with freehand? Did you need to? Did you lose anything by not? I think you're over estimating the complexities that this freehand could be used for. Its a platformer, you slash things, things die, you spin attack, things die and you finishing blow and yup, things die. You are not Shinobii or Obi Wan, you are Link.

Freehand is cool, not in a Zelda game though and personally I think it would only work in a FP perspective like the bow/hookshot aiming or a zoomed in simplistic approach a la fishing, these two uses I like :)
Taero said:
Freehand would be utterly useless in this game, have you even thought how it could be implemented, relatively speaking the figure you control is quite small making his sword even smaller, how would you accurately control him and WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT OF FREEHAND?! It seems sometimes that people want this in because it sounds like a good idea, and yes in somethings it could be, I'd like it to be an option in Red Steel because yes I can handle a sword so it would be cool.

But come ON, could you imagine playing LoZ:OOT or MM with freehand? Did you need to? Did you lose anything by not? I think you're over estimating the complexities that this freehand could be used for. Its a platformer, you slash things, things die, you spin attack, things die and you finishing blow and yup, things die. You are not Shinobii or Obi Wan, you are Link.

Freehand is cool, not in a Zelda game though and personally I think it would only work in a FP perspective like the bow/hookshot aiming or a zoomed in simplistic approach a la fishing, these two uses I like :)
:wtf: I was talking of read steal all this time :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You Press The B Button And Move Your Arm... Well... Thats What It Says On Gameplay Videos!
Yeah i thought it was freehand and that looked so cool but then they said they would change to pre-recorded, man i think that they should have kept both and u could change from menu to which ever u wanted cause freehand would be the best thing ever! But pre recorded doesnt sound to bad it just makes me feel like when we play red steel that we will see the same animation of the sword every time which is a bit weird but meh, the fact that their is a sword controller ability is already too good so wateva it will be it will be dam fine.
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I bet as time goes on then developers will get more and more used to the Wii and everything will be more freehand.
A freehand sword in a zelda game would SUCK. It's just the way the game is set up makes freehand very, very uncomtrable, difficult and pointless.

It will have some moves like the parry that have motion sensored, but the main sword winging is with the B button.

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