Whats your Version?


The XBOX 360 Guy
Jul 18, 2007
Wii Online Code
Whats your version, is a simple Q'n'A thread where you ask others what their version is, Can be something that you have wondered for a long time or just one you just come up with.

Questions, can be Aimed at an individual or a certain group or to all members,

Example questions,

(specified user), whats you fave version of that song?
(wii chat members), whats your fave version, of skittles? (sour, mints, Fruit)
(People from (country)) whats your version, of a (shop)?

here are some of my questions that are boggleing me at the moment.

To Americans, what is you mario strikers called?
Uk is called mario strikers charged FOOTBALL
is yours the same, or is it , Mario strikers charged SOCCER, or just mario strikers charged?

To anybody, Whats your fave version of pokemon cards?

I.E original, Jungle, Fossil,, Trainer, Deoxy, (mine was and still is original) (Bit i havent got a pack of cards in like 4 years)

To Americans/Australians, Do you get Sky tv?, If no what is your version of Sky Tv? (Sky Tv is a didgitla reciver, which allows us in UK to recieve hundreds of extra TV channels),

To anybody. Whats your fave version of Resident evil 4, (gamecube, Ps2 Wii)

mines wii edition by miles

People answer my questions if you know the answer, and ask your own if you have any?
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not really as it isnt really a game, its more of a Question thread

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