When will I get my Wii!!!


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006

It all started a good 2 months before the wii was out for the release in the UK, this was the first time I ever heard of the wii but was defently before any one I knew had.

So, I left it for a month, salivating over the idea of owning a wii and just couldnt wait untill 8th December. It was a month before the UK launch and I decided I would pre-order myself one.

Well, I was seconds away from pre-ordering myself one but everyone in my family and my girlfreind insisted I waited until christmas as I don't know what "santa" will bring. This instinctly told me I am getting a wii for christmas, so so I didin't pre-order and just told myself I only needed to patiently wait another 3 weeks.

It's only a week before christmas and it really doesn't look like I'm getting one now. All hints and clues relate to completely other presents and I am 90% sure I haven't got one.

Why are my family so cruel!! I'll now have to wait another month after christmas until I can get my hands on a Wii.

Sorry; just venting really but I'm really pissed off!
all i can say is,SUCKS TO BE YOU,but no really sorry to hear this,i almost didnt end up with one but luckily was patient and didnt rip the managers arm off.
toggle said:

Well, I was seconds away from pre-ordering myself one but everyone in my family and my girlfreind insisted I waited until christmas as I don't know what "santa" will bring.

Have faith.... Santa will give you one...... And if not: Dump your girlfriend and go live on your own. That way nobody can do this again.....

Just 6 night before you can play.....
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I hope so! I really badly want a wii ...

lol sorry I couldnt resist the pun.

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