Which Game Would You Unmake?


Animal Collective
Dec 30, 2007
Wherever Fate Takes Me
Wii Online Code
It's not as easy as it sounds, at least to me it doesn't, but if I were to choose I would pick....

Pacman Fever.
Far too many over several consoles/computers!
stop stealing ideas from Kotaku

however, i would, like Brawny, definitely unmake SuperMan 64, my only memory of this game is when i stayed home sick from school as a kid one day and my mom rented me this really really crappy game
Fifas sequals
Sonics 3d games
All recent Disney games (they where good durin the 80s/90s)
I believe I would have to say... Pimp My Ride. What half-baked idiot thought that it would make a decent game?
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
and big rigs: over the road racing

You are winner


Ah yes, Big Rigs. Its release was a dark day for gaming. But at least it's a superb example of how not to make a game.
The Wii games that didn't even deserve licenses (Half-baked games, kiddie games, Games that got horrible ratings such has 1.0 and 2.0, etc.)

Edit: Also, the New Game Enhancement for Star Wars Galaxies. It was a great game before the NGE! (Main Reason I hate Sony)
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