Why I am now hating this hard game......


WiiChat Member
Feb 5, 2009
This is exactly why I have up on Mario Sunshine. Maybe it's just me but these games get too hard too damn fast. In Sunshine I made it to about 60 stars before I got to some wacky outerspace levels that required superhuman jumping abilities and one mistake and off you go sailing into space! Now for Galaxy I was having fun at this for the first seven stars. Good Egg and Bee Galaxy were a blast. Now I have opened the level where you ride the manta ray through the course. I am not good with the wiimote and am continually falling off the course into the air. Then it starts me over at the begining. The only was I'll ever do it is if I go super slow, and take a half hour to get through it. If I even use the speed up button I eventually lose controll and go over the edge. The should have made this game use other controllers than the wiimotes, or at least let me use the nunchuck to steer. Then there the super sweet galaxy I opened, good luck on this one. Same crap one mistake and sailing off into the abyss you go. Finally there is the uberhard flipswitch galaxy. Give me a break. With these three choices to move on I am quickly seeing this game on it's way back to the store.
This is exactly why I have up on Mario Sunshine. Maybe it's just me but these games get too hard too damn fast. In Sunshine I made it to about 60 stars before I got to some wacky outerspace levels that required superhuman jumping abilities and one mistake and off you go sailing into space! Now for Galaxy I was having fun at this for the first seven stars. Good Egg and Bee Galaxy were a blast. Now I have opened the level where you ride the manta ray through the course. I am not good with the wiimote and am continually falling off the course into the air. Then it starts me over at the begining. The only was I'll ever do it is if I go super slow, and take a half hour to get through it. If I even use the speed up button I eventually lose controll and go over the edge. The should have made this game use other controllers than the wiimotes, or at least let me use the nunchuck to steer. Then there the super sweet galaxy I opened, good luck on this one. Same crap one mistake and sailing off into the abyss you go. Finally there is the uberhard flipswitch galaxy. Give me a break. With these three choices to move on I am quickly seeing this game on it's way back to the store.

i beat this in 4 days my best freind beat it in 2 if you get this upset you really have no buisness playing video games there just for Fun!!
Yea you've got a problem if you cant jump like crayzy in this game! have you ever seen the jumps in Kaizo mario for Gods sake, Galaxies is a walk in the park compared to this. look up in youtube, I'm sure your going to freak out!:yikes:
if you're having trouble with the early stages of galaxy...

...try sonic games instead.
I haven't been able to get past the kitchen and I know for a fact that I'll never be able to get the special stars because me and anxiety don't get along. That's why I like single player games. No competition.

My main problem with the kitchen is the boss part. I can get to the ships and I can get on the little platform, but I get hit by bombs and knocked off.

D: I hate that part.
Well I havent played much but Ive played the Mantas Surfing part the thread starter was talking about. Yeah it took me probably a dozen or so tries. My problem was that on accident I kept making Mairo jump which messed up my stirring and off Id go. Really though this was probably one of my fav parts of the game though cuz it was fun... it was challenging to some degree... it is a challenge of how steady you can hold your controller. .... meh I rather liked it... I think I might go play....
Wow if you found those levels hard then you'd be devastated on the purple coin levels. To be honest SMG is a walk in the park until you get to the last 20 or so stars.
You mentioned that the bombs knock you out. Do you know that you can shoot star bits at the bomb to blow it off before it hits you?

Like another mentioned get the Mario galaxy guide book or watch your levels on youtube from different players. I was in the same boat as you thinking I could never complete the game and was sad since i was having so much fun. But i stood in there and now i am playing as luigi with 64 stars.

All i am saying is this game is fun and you just need to know all the things that you can do in the game.
I have to agree with the Op here. This is one of the reasons I hated Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario Sunshine. Complicated button moves or super-fast-timed-jumps always annoy me and reduce the fun factor in a game. Maybe I'm dyslexic or something.
Are you serious? Whining because a "game" is hard? If you want easy games, go Play Twilight Princess.... hahaha!

Seriously though, that game was easy. So easy in fact, that It dissapointed me. Now that's something to whine about! Games that don't deliver!

Not really.... but still, I wish that game would've been harder....
Well honestly, it doesn't get really hard until like the last 10 stars. The last level is hell, btw.
My 3 year old owned me! i had 120 stars with mario and like 45 with luigi then my son deleted the game!! lol i havent played it since!

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