Question 1)Hello, And I want my Nintendo WII connected up to the internet. I have a computer with an OK broadband. And I want to get a USB WI-FI Connection. So I will need to buy a USB WI-FI. Will I need the WII One? Or anymake for eg WI-FI MAX. Also what do you recommend?
Question 2)Will I need a WIRELESS ROUTER For this?
Question 3)Do you know a shop I can get the NINTENDO WII USB WI-FI From?
Question 4) What USB WI-FI Do you have? And where'd you get it from and how much. Thanks alot.
Question 2)Will I need a WIRELESS ROUTER For this?
Question 3)Do you know a shop I can get the NINTENDO WII USB WI-FI From?
Question 4) What USB WI-FI Do you have? And where'd you get it from and how much. Thanks alot.