Wi-fi Usb Adapter


WiiChat Member
Mar 30, 2007
Question 1)Hello, And I want my Nintendo WII connected up to the internet. I have a computer with an OK broadband. And I want to get a USB WI-FI Connection. So I will need to buy a USB WI-FI. Will I need the WII One? Or anymake for eg WI-FI MAX. Also what do you recommend?
Question 2)Will I need a WIRELESS ROUTER For this?
Question 3)Do you know a shop I can get the NINTENDO WII USB WI-FI From?
Question 4) What USB WI-FI Do you have? And where'd you get it from and how much. Thanks alot.
If you use the WI-FI Max, it creates a wireless hotspot using your PC, so you won't need a router or Wireless card in the machine. :)

I used to have one when I had my PSP, but I found it very unreliable to be honest.

I'm going to be getting this nice little widget to get my Wii online:


Its not wireless, but hey, at least I can get online until I get a cable router. :)
I bought the Nintendo Wifi dongle which is supposed to work for the Wii. For me, I had nothing but dramas, I still have it sitting on my shelf un-used because it didn't work. I ended out just buying a wireless router, I set it up, connected to the Wii first time no problems, I've never gotten an error with it and works like a charm. I also got the router to connect my laptop to the net wirelessly aswell, but i found it to be the easiest method by far for connecting the Wii to the net. Also one of the cheapest.
For interests sake alone, my router is a Linksys WRT54G, has anyone ever had any problems with this router?
Yeah I wanna get a router, but I have no other reason to do so at the moment.

Once I get my new PC later this year, I'll definitely be investing in a cable router... after all, I need to exploit my forthcoming 20mb service. :D
nintendo wifi adapter will only connect the wii and ds, nothing else, get a router. Much easier for all consoles. Although I dont have a 360 so I don't know how it's connections work.
Personly I haven't had one problem with my Wi-Fi official USB connector, however my Wii is next to my PC, they probly don't have an amazing wireless range compared to a router. If you plan to get a USB connector, atleast get the official one, its not better then a router but by far better then the unofficial Wi-Fi max, these are so poor I think they should be off the market.
Wireless routers are the best. I have one, and it works perfectly.
High speed, too. If you afford it, you should get one.

WiiGod said:
If you plan to get a USB connector, atleast get the official one, its not better then a router but by far better then the unofficial Wi-Fi max, these are so poor I think they should be off the market.
^ That's right!

is good or what this thing seems to have lots of f***** problems man
its official y all this problems
does it work for a adsl connection
WiiGod said:
If you plan to get a USB connector, atleast get the official one, its not better then a router but by far better then the unofficial Wi-Fi max, these are so poor I think they should be off the market.

And the Wi-Fi Max is very expensive :\

Buy the Official Wii Lan Adapter, you don't need a wireless router for this, every modem can have access to this USB Connector, at least if they have a USB port for it...
I don't have any sort of problems with it, Opera Browser seems very fast, and I will buy MSC tomorrow, and then I'll see how's the connection while in online games.

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