Wii availibility?

not anytime soon just geton the phone call everyday get in line pick one up
They (Nintendo) will continue shipping through December...they have sold between 600K - 700K so far. Shipments to the Americas US should reach a little over 1M by end of the year. Reggie (Nintendo US) said they should reach this number within 43 days after launch date.
MarkHopper said:
They (Nintendo) will continue shipping through December...they have sold between 600K - 700K so far. Shipments to the Americas US should reach a little over 1M by end of the year. Reggie (Nintendo US) said they should reach this number within 43 days after launch date.

They have sold more than 1 Million units worldwide
i'd like to add that this thread was horribly placed...what does this hafta do with virtual console?
jackhurara.. at least in NJ walmart will have them on the 6th of december, wait in line and some of them raffles. good luck with your hunt for wii.
i think he was reading the VC console forum until... :idea: ...something pop into his head and he just pop it out hehe