Wii console box


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2006
Glasgow, Scotland
You may have allready seen this, but for those who haven't, here it is:

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i know, the thing i love best after looking at the box of a shiny new gadget, is destroying it :)

BTW, here is a pic of the wii disc and case (how exciting :lol: )

And here is the wii gun attachment


edit: oh! and some low-brow toilet humour to lighten the mood:
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yes wii sports is included arrrr this has been around sice early september please look before you this crap that everyone has seen before
Sam_Harris said:
yes wii sports is included arrrr this has been around sice early september please look before you this crap that everyone has seen before
jeez man sorry no need to flame..yes it is flaming if your not a mod an delete it or tell me to edit it...so stop trying to be a mod thanks :)
ENNO said:
jeez man sorry no need to flame..yes it is flaming if your not a mod an delete it or tell me to edit it...so stop trying to be a mod thanks :)
im just saying bedfore you post useless info/questions (not directed at you) just have a quick look through the forums to see if the info is there !!
Sam_Harris said:
im just saying bedfore you post useless info/questions (not directed at you) just have a quick look through the forums to see if the info is there !!
now that is much better..why couldnt you have said that instead of givin me that nasty crap..point taken and will be reconised for future posting:yesnod:
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