Wii is japanese number one console

Sep 24, 2006
Wii Online Code
You might have probly all seen this but for those you didn't then check this out

The Japanese did a survey on the expectation on the next gen console...and wii came on tope of all votes for each subjects

Source Here
well this is no surprise to me, considering all the surveys ive seen about the average person and which consoles they want, but never saw one about comparing the games and stuff, which still im not surprised, PS3s lineup for games isn't all that impressive right now, Wii's is look pretty good, and 360's just is blah...but nice find
I figured people would want to read it here, rather than having to go somewhere else. I did write a small summary though :).
Ronan said:
how are 360's games 'blah'
Because they bring nothing new to the table ? If I wanted to play Halo 3, I could just load up Halo 1. That's all I'd be getting. They aren't doing anything new, and it angers me that they had the nerve to release a console like the 360, even though you're getting exactly the same experience as with the Xbox.
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Flip said:
Because they bring nothing new to the table ? If I wanted to play Halo 3, I could just load up Halo 1. That's all I'd be getting. They aren't doing anything new, and it angers me that they had the nerve to release a console like the 360, even though you're getting exactly the same experience as with the Xbox.
True...almost the same with PS3...it pretty much the same thing as PS2 execpet better graphics...so baisicly..the only original console is Wii ...mostly because of the WiiMote
Flip said:
Because they bring nothing new to the table ? If I wanted to play Halo 3, I could just load up Halo 1. That's all I'd be getting. They aren't doing anything new, and it angers me that they had the nerve to release a console like the 360, even though you're getting exactly the same experience as with the Xbox.

and i just dont find any of the games out right now, at this very moment, very entertaining, for the 360, the only one ive looked at is dead rising and oblivion caught my eye a little too, but other than those none of the other games looked very interesting. If they had a better lineup of games then i would have said something different, the graphics are fine, its just the games in general....
I admit, there are some situations when I think "I want a 360 as well", for games like Dead Rising - Average graphics, terrible AI, still looks fun for at least 10 minutes before the novelty wears off. And Assassins Creed, which is really cool. My PC wont run Assassins Creed, so I'd need a console for it. But, too expensive.

Some people might say, "But you only think the 360 and PS3 are so lame because the Wii is here. If there was no Wii, you'd think 'WOW'" My answer to that is, if someone brings something creative to your general market, you have to compete with that. And in many cases, it will make your console seem a lot less worthwhile, because it doesn't have a Wii-mote. If Microsoft and Sony want a chance, they need to be creative. They need to do something crazy. The whole idea of making it a home "Entertainment" console, or a "PC" in PS3s case, is completely going against the idea of why we play console games.


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