wii helmets!!!


Expert Gamer
Aug 21, 2006
United Kingdom
it wud be soo awesum if they were real
anyway what do u think?
motion sensors in heads WHOO HOO!!
Hahhaha I could just imagine kids jumping around with a Wiimote and one of those things on their head. Hhahahah
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yeah there has been a couple of threads about think i do believe but yeah those do look kinda odd... haha... there was a whole video to go with this picture, hope you found it too because it was pretty cool
I would buy it, but only if there were some compatible game where you could go around head-butting people.
E7ernal said:
I would buy it, but only if there were some compatible game where you could go around head-butting people.

There already is games like that, it's called the World Cup.
thats the Nintendo On. it was just a joke about a VR game system that can see your body and implement it into the game without any need for sensores on your body. the black lineing thing comes off and you put it on your head and it is a HD VR thing with dolby speakers. it would be really cool if they actualy made it but its WAY to advanced for now lol
the revolution had a LOT of copies, then with the wii, people finally stopped talking about the stupid thinks like helmets and other stuff...
Darn It! I POsted This On Another SIte But I Forgot To Put It On Here!!!

If You See A Guy Called +Maniacal=Maniac+ On Any Other Videogaming FOrum SIte... Thats Me! :D
yeah i was soooo excited about it but then i saw that nintnedo said that they didnt make it.... they said that it was actually made by a spanish 3d artist with alot of time on his hands, they had some interview with him on the news when it came out.. it came out a few days before e3 of 2005, so yeah.. i thought it was a cool idea like the whole video in the begining....

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