Wii in Australia thread

SSDs are awesome, but expensive as hell. To install an extra 200GB one in a macbook pro costs $1100.

Yeah theyre damn good.... Its like filling a computer with fast SD cards.

The problem is that fast SD cards are expensive. :p

In these netbooks to keep the price down, your only alternative is like an 8Gb SSD, which aint going to hold ANYthing once programs are installed...
I really can't be bothered to say anymore... just finished reading a book and should go to bed. Work tomorrow.

And Tuesday I get to spend all day in court. Hurrah.
Haha...what did you do now Eki...

I've like.....accidentally bought a netbook off eBay...Now. Do I try and convince dad to pay for it...Or start arguing with the guy thats telling me to pay for an item I didnt bid on...
You mean you aren't waiting for your free laptop from Qantm?! I mean sure... they are Macs.
Nah we get PCs. And they arent arriving til September...which is just a bit late...

We probably have the option of a Mac, but the PC option looks pretty damn good.

I'll prob pick it up anyway, but Id really like a tiny laptop.
Haha...what did you do now Eki...

I've like.....accidentally bought an $800 netbook off eBay...Now. Do I try and convince dad to pay for it...Or start arguing with the guy thats telling me to pay for an item I didnt bid on...

Oh dear, there goes that Rudd money.
Yeah Apollo.... my Rudd money would go to it straightaway..but its not here yet. :S

Oh and I wrangled it down to $600.. so I'll still have $300 to go to sumthing else.