Wii in Australia thread

Yes, well, this place really is dead. Ever since the crash this place started to well, suck. And to think, during the crash I was clicking on WiiChat every hour (or less) in the hopes it had been fixed! I even went to Ninstation, or whatever the hell it was called, and thought it wasn't the same.... and now look at this place.
Hahaha...Anyone wanna go up the Coast with me in 2 years? Might be a family thing, but might be a myself thing...also might be a...road trip thing.,...and the go over to Ireleand and Scotland and some other places in Europe.
Who wants to come to Japan in February?

I would, but you ddnt think about what i would like... and decided to go in febuary >.< march is sakura season! thats when all the womens are out and about. and you decide to go 1 month before hand =_= :lol:

seriously... you'll love it :D

eki: touche`, but with work i am able to take holidays when everyone else in the town is at school/work. nice and quiet in the shopping centres/movies :)
I.... I have college during March, til the start of May....so my only other option is to go to this time next year...but that would mean missing out on half price fares. >.<
I.... I have college during March, til the start of May....so my only other option is to go to this time next year...but that would mean missing out on half price fares. >.<

but that would also mean that i would be able to go with you and make sure you dont get ...er... " blocked" like that other time you were telling me about.

plus.. it would be cool to go to JP twice in the same year :D