Wii in Australia thread

Eh. Wiichat.

I have no interest in watching Bruno. I see the crowds of people going to see it, but they also would see things like Disaster Movie and laugh.

So, in other news I've been reading Harry Potter. Snape. Why?! I just... He was just so awesome. Why couldn't Ginny have died instead? Or better yet, Harry? I was so excited when Harry died - I was like 'Oh my god, I wanted it, but never expected it to actually happen!', but then Harry apparently pulled a Gandalf and came back. Or maybe he never died at all. It's besides the point. He thought he had. And so I hoped. Of course, there were too many pages left for me to get my wish.

Yet, I will admit something - rereading the last two books, I've kind of gone off Voldemort. He was really made out to be stupid and ignorant in the last two books. Kind of up in the Sauron levels of fail - you know, sending out all his Orcs to deal with a minor army.