Wii light gun


WiiChat Member
Aug 20, 2007
Hey, everyone

this is my first post and i wanted to see if any of you guys tried a wii light gun for your FPG games? I was planning to play RE with this gun. i have been searching the web for a good and cheap one. This is the cheapest one i found.

has anyone dealt with this webapge? or tried this product? thanks for the help.
Hey, welcome to Wiichat. Sorry, can't help you on your questions except for recommending the official Wii light gun which should be out before too much longer (probably alongside Umbrella Chronicles), as opposed to the third party stuff. It should be much better, and it seems that complaints with this gun have been with where does the nunchuck go? But seeing as it's as cheap as it is, why not give it a try?
Welcome to Wiichat! I wouldn't recommend getting a light gun for the Wii (hell it isn't even a light gun all it is is a plastic shell with a trigger to hit the B button.) Only reason to get one is to play Umbrella Chronicles or Ghost Squad with because they were designed for light guns.
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thanks guys...i am really excited about my wii. I just got one last week and i just want to try everything for it..I think i go ahead and try this wii gun. i figure that it is cheap, might as well give it a try.

has any of your guys dealt with this webpage, though? they also have some stuff that i'm interested in..
I'll be getting this gun, I really like it, maybe more than the Wii Zapper! I just really like the idea of a pistol type gun, and also because B is most definitely shoot. I'm quite concerned about having to press B to shoot with the Wii Zapper, because it isn't really in the right place for the trigger to be, in my opinion.

The Nunchuck plugs into the bottom of the handle, and I like this idea because it allows motion sensing for the Nunchuck, seperately than the Wiimote, unlike the Zapper. I will be getting the Zapper as well like, and I will wait until I've tried both before I truelly decide which one I like better. But I'm also getting both so I can play multiplayer and both of us can use a gun. So get both, then you have the best of both worlds, plus this one is rather cheap so you might as well.

With both guns though, I'm concerned about the use of the D-pad and the A-button, I just hope to God you don't need to use them in any game that promotes the use of the Zapper (and therefore this pistol).
Welcome to the forums, as for the gun I never have tried it.
But it looks ok, and has been said to help with gameplay with the shooting games. Have fun with your Wii, and on Wiichat.
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alrite..i am just gonna buy the gun from the website..we'll see if i like it or not..
Be sure and let us know what you think of it and the details on the button layout and stuff if you will. It does look really neat; and if the Nunchuck hooks on the bottom of it like it should, allowing for the free hand to hold the Nunchuck instead of both being together like on the official one, this would make it all the better. May have to get this myself!
YouTube search: "Brando Light Gun"

I think that if you want a gun attachment before hte Zapper is released i'd say the Brando Light Gun is the best, however it still lies upon it's compatabilltiy with certain games.
Theres always the alternative of NOT wasting money by buying a piece of plastic junk when you do have the remote. Likely these peripherals will obstruct the feel of the remote and gameplay rather than aid it. Seriously, ya got the damn remote! The plastic crap is for morons! Its your money going down the drain though pal so do what you like and hopefully you benefit from it.
The Wii Zapper is not a Light gun:

This is how a light gun work: The "light gun" is so named because it uses light as its method of detecting where on screen the user is targeting. The name leads one to believe that the gun itself emits a beam of light, but in fact most light guns actually receive light through a photodiode in the gun barrel.

There are two versions of this technique that are commonly used, but the concept is the same: when the trigger of the gun is pulled, the screen is blanked out to black, and the diode begins reception. All or part of the screen is painted white in a way that allows the computer to judge where the gun is pointing, based on when the diode detects light. The user of the light gun notices little or nothing, because the period in which the screen is blank is usually only a fraction of a second.


The Wii Zapper will use the Wii mote which instead of sensing where the gun should be pointing, instead is the actual item that is sending the light to be sensed, if that makes sense. I am personally thrilled about the wii zapper and think it'll be much better than a light gun. Also the games coming out will be amazing for it. Umbrella Chronicles, Ghost Squad, Medal of Honor, then of course Duck Hunt, Wild Gunman, and Hogans Alley. I'm just crossing my fingers for Gumshoe.

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Like I said: A plastic rip-off.

Also since the Wii remote can be pointed at the screen. Why would the ever need a light gun for it(the key for the question mark doesn't work...)!

Just saying that both cases are rip-offs!
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Monsteroids said:
Theres always the alternative of NOT wasting money by buying a piece of plastic junk when you do have the remote. Likely these peripherals will obstruct the feel of the remote and gameplay rather than aid it. Seriously, ya got the damn remote! The plastic crap is for morons! Its your money going down the drain though pal so do what you like and hopefully you benefit from it.
Exactly. If you get excited over a little piece of plastic that makes something look like a gun, then you would probably have just as much fun with a toy gun..........
I still think both are good accessories for the Wii, and after watching that review on YouTube I want to buy that one now to play Red Steel with it. Sure I don't need it, but I want it...the only problem is I can't find a UK website with it on :(

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