Wii looks Terrible


WiiChat Member
Jan 7, 2008
hi all, iv just signed up today so sorry if this has been covered numerous times.

i have a SAMSUNG LE40M87BDX LCD tv and looks awesome with the xbox 360. thats with a hdmi cable so i know i cant expect the same with the wii but.
i got a wii for xmas and it just looks terrible. on wii sports the miis and like the bowling pins are just really jagged and the anti liasing thing jsut doesnt appear to do anything.

so i went out and bought the component cables, plugged them in and it has made no differance at all and im very dissapointed cos i love the wii.

i have put it on the edtv 480p and tried all the other settings and diffenrt settings on my tv and just dont know what to do. my tv is 40inch and when bowling it takes the whole screen up and you cant even see the pins down the lane, its just a mass of blur.
mario party 8 is the same.

please help. thanks
idn what to tell you, u dont buy a wii for the graphics.

unless you think theres actually something wrong, take pictures and post them, it could help others help you.
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thanks. i know it wasnt super graphics but its all too jagged and friends and collegues state theres looks good and that my experiance doesnt sound right
yeah the wii is VERY jagged.. one of my main bitches about the wii. graphics were smoother on the ps2.
Check your settings...

It almost sounds like you're using the wrong aspect ratio or something.

My graphics aren't jagged at all. But then I'm not on an HDTV.
Still, My friends, who ARE playing on an HDTV, their graphics are smooth as well. In the Wii console setting, there are graphics settings, and you need to make sure you set the console for the correct aspect ratio.
CrowTRobot said:
Omg It's Been Known For A Year And 1/2 That The Wii's Graphics Aren't As Good As Ps3 Or 360 Yet I'm Still Going Buy It Anyway And Complain About It Lololololololololo.

Dude... not helping.

Damofr, what component cables did you get? I've heard of people having problems with generic cables, and things getting better with the Nintendo cables.

Hope this issues clears up for you (sorry for the pun). Most people don't expect awesome graphics from the Wii, but they shouldn't be what you're describing.

If you can take some pictures and post them we can tell you if it what you're looking at really is wrong or not.
There's probably nothing wrong with it. Its probably that your just used to HDTV with Xbox, especially since you have the highest resolution on your xbox. I just recently got a 720p resolution plasma monitor hooked up to my xbox and it improves graphics 10x. So you probably see Wii having really bad graphics. Just buy Nintendo titles for the Wii because everything else looks pretty ugly compared to Xbox.
lol.....that's not good for a 1st post......the wii might not be looking like the 360 but it definitely not looks terrible.....

also, if you got a wii for graphics, then i'm really sorry, also if you want graphics on wii, wii sports or mario party 8 are not for graphics, you should try "Metroid Prime 3" or "Super Mario Galaxy" for Wii graphics....
CrowTRobot said:
Omg It's Been Known For A Year And 1/2 That The Wii's Graphics Aren't As Good As Ps3 Or 360 Yet I'm Still Going Buy It Anyway And Complain About It Lololololololololo.

I don't think he is really complaining so much about the graphics as much as he is wondering if HIS are abnormally bad.

All I can say is that I have been a 360 owner since launch on a 50" 1080p TV (so I have seen some nice graphics) and with the component cables I am pretty happy with the graphics on the Wii. They aren't spectacular, but they aren't horrible either.
"Bad" is subjective. Since you just got your Wii we can't use you as an accurate judge. Your best bet is to take a photo of what you believe is not right and post it for others with experience to give you their/our opinion.
Damofr, I am experiencing the same thing on my new HDTV. It's a Samsung, 40", LCD and I'm using Wii component cables. Zelda looks really bad but Mario Kart Double Dash, a game cube game, looks great. I just don't understand it. All I can say is try different settings on the TV and match them with the settings on the Wii and see what looks better. And people, we are not talking about poor graphics, we're talking about poor picture quality of the display on some Wii games. Anyway, I'm in the same boat and still trying to find the answer myself. So you're not alone. Let me know if you discover anything and I'll do the same.
Yeah, sounds like something may be a bit funny. You say that the pins in bowling are "just a mass of blur". That doesn't sound normal and is not the same as just lower resolution compared to XBox 360. Is there a way you can take a photo of your screen and post it here?
This thread is useless without a photo of the problem as you are just going to get, as you are already, people saying Wii doesnt have good graphics. It sounds like you have a genuine problem, but we need to see it to tell what it is!
Weird, I have a HDTV in my living room and I have the cables too for it and when I use it for my wii the graphics look amazing specially with BW2.