Wii Meaning

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WiiChat Member
May 31, 2006
Can anyone help me out on this lol

Someone keeps trying to prove me wrong but i have been told numerous times that "wii" does not truly mean anything in japanese or any other sorts

Heres our convo:


Actually its Japanese for WHEE. An exclamation of joy and excitement. Like WHOOHOO, or YEEEHA!

My reply

To put it simply, there is no symbol or sound for "Wii" in Japanese. The closest you'll get to "Wii" in Japanese is "ii", which means "good". Wii isn't Japanese, it's no language in particular. It's supposed to be understandable to everyone, although the meaning of "we" is pretty much just English.


it phonetically translates to whee... which is universal. It's an exclamation, not a word... you won't find Doh, zoiks, or whoohoo in the dictionary either... and yeah.. "we" is english.

Any input? lol
You're both idiots? OK, just kidding, seriously. Its obviously like the end of a movie no one quite gets. It could mean something or it could mean nothing. I don't think Nintendo will say, so feel free to speculate.
as far as the pronunciation it is just consistent between other ii words in electronics, like ascii (pronounced as-key)

as for the meaning, i think it is intentionally ambiguous, whee is a typical exclamation of joy or excitement, and we being directed more towards who will be playing the system 'we will'.

as far as being part of some language already i seriously doubt it
Alot of people tslking about Wii fell off, (LOL) Wii still here but they don't see it that way all they see is PS3, and Xbox, Graphix Wii can do that, Bbut if you know a system then you should know about playin for real. Movement, Stredagy, On Point, Realisum. Nintendo has brung that to us Wiiknow. It's called Wii

Dont spam threads - i0n
Far as I can tell, no literal translation in any known language, used brilliantly for that reason as well as reasons Nintendo intentionally has shared of course, it sounds like fun as in "wheee", it's an other spelling of "we" (and oh how the consumer loves the creativity and cuteness of intentional other spellings), it even looks like a semantical play next to a graphic example as in "double you" and the identical game players "ii". As I opined, brilliant ...but not with any meaning beyond the product.As you said in your replies, close to an actual word in another, non-english dialect, but not wholly so, and not even derived from another source (as in Greek or Latin), at least not in as such provably so.
Dont revive a 6 year old thread!!
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