Wii release In Aus


soon Wii shall arrive!
Nov 23, 2006
On the 7th of December the Wii will be released in Australia. I live in Australia and have preordered the Wii stuff i was after. It has been arranged by EB for a 12:01AM purchase spree on the thursday, the 7th of the release. According to the store owners of my local EB people are going crazy in wait and they have allready sold out all their stock via preorder and have had many people promising to show for the Wiis midnight release. I was curious as to how other people in other countries found this experiance and wheather or not i should pack a cricket bat :p
Haha dude if i see u at my launch at EB games with a cricket bat make sure u don't try anything with me... i'll be packing a switchblade, lol
just kidding
but seriously... im peeved cuz i've just started a new job and can't get thursday off - so my cousin and i are going to the launch and i'll just pull an all-nighter... come home thursday arvo and keep playin'!!! :D
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WolfpacSnakepit said:
Haha dude if i see u at my launch at EB games with a cricket bat make sure u don't try anything with me... i'll be packing a switchblade, lol
just kidding
but seriously... im peeved cuz i've just started a new job and can't get thursday off - so my cousin and i are going to the launch and i'll just pull an all-nighter... come home thursday arvo and keep playin'!!! :D

exactly ill be doing the saaaaame thing :D. Ironic wouldnt u say? the same thing keeping us from playing is the thing paying for the device upon which to play >.< damn you poetically cruel universe!
if we have prordered and paid off with eb and miss the midnight launch, they wont sell out and not give us our wiis will they, or if u have paid do they put one aside for u?
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they will save 1 for ya, those who havent preordered miss out XD
haha awsoume, i was worried i would have to get to eb at 10pm sharp and fight for my life, but i may just waltz on over at 11pm and jump in line, the guy told me if u have fully paid for it they cut u ahead in the que so it should bumb me up a bit
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aaaah goodo, ill be interested to see if anyone does turn up without ordering... cos i mean im on the central coast and apparently my stores are sold out via preorder
dam, yeah im gonna laugh at the poor saps who dont preorder and miss out, eb in hoppers crossing vic, sold out of both wii's and twilight princess luckily ive preordered and paid for both, as long as they dont sell out of tekanichi 2... ( not really a big deal if they do for me but it would be a nice extra ) ill be happy
3mpathy said:
sold out of both wii's and twilight princess luckily ive preordered and paid for both, as long as they dont sell out of tekanichi 2... ( not really a big deal if they do for me but it would be a nice extra ) ill be happy
Yes, my EB today also stopped taking pre-orders for anything Wii-related. Which sucks, cause I'll have to get there early and take the front of the line, so I can buy the first load of nunchucks and wiimotes before they sell out.

Also, I hate to tell you, but DBZ Tenkaichi 2 is not a launch title. I also thought it was, but now they tell me that both that, and Excite Truck, are no longer launch titles for Aus. Seems stupid since they were launch titles in America, and one of them is made by Nintendo. Australian Wii gamers are getting stiffed again. As per usual.

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