wii remote jackets!

This is stupid. Why are we arguing over something, that Nintendo is giving to us for Free?
I don't really care if they suck, I'm not paying for them, and Nintendo is ncie enough to give something out for free. if this is about the stupid "September Surprise" Then look around, they gave plenty of stuff for the surprise.
-Wi-fi Brawl Confirmed
-Wii Zapper link trianing thing
-Remote jackets
See? Three things, and yet, one bad thing and people complain about it, even though it's Free?

It's just like some of my teachers said "Humans are never satisfied, they always want more then what they have".

For all you know, Nintendo has a good reason, that they can legally not share with us, as to why we got such a "Crappy" surprise. maybe someone at Nintendo got murdered, or died. Stop yelling at Nintendo. They didn't have to make the Wii, they could have shut down.
I think the bulky jackets will work out well in our house. The kids are constantly swinging the wiimotes and nearly smacking them into each other playing "Sports". I am constantly telling them to spread apart so they don't hit each other.
laurie_lu said:
I think the bulky jackets will work out well in our house. The kids are constantly swinging the wiimotes and nearly smacking them into each other playing "Sports". I am constantly telling them to spread apart so they don't hit each other.
this is a common problem, which is why the top of the jacket is more rubber, good move by nintendo, but i wonder how much this cost them, probably not much, definitely less than a bunch of lawsuits! good going nintendo
I agree with D S. Which is why I'm leaving the forums once Brawl launches. I'm getting tired of listening to people whine about wanting more. I'll be glued to Brawl. Soon... not much time left.
wii7036 said:
nintendo just released the new wii jacket. it is a protective cover for your wii remotes. released at 8:00am today! the web is nintendo.com then click on the wii remote offer icon. this is free for wii owners that got their wii before 8:00am today. i want this[i loose grip of my remote all the time] thanks, wii7036

ps. i do NOT work for nintendo;)

Thanks for poting this.

The accidents must be still happening.....