Wii remote not responding in games


WiiChat Member
Nov 15, 2007
I'm having problems just now with my Wii remote. It works perfectly fine on the Wii menu and games that uses the nunchuck, but on games like Cooking Mama or Wii sports, only the buttons respond but the movement of my remote doesn't. I've tried to unplug and standard re-sync the remote but nothing works.

How do I solve this problem? :sad:
have you tried using another remote ?

Also it might be worth checkin the sensitivty settings


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I only have one wii remote T_T I'll give it a try. It still doesn't respond to my wii sports T_T
hmmmm sounds like the motion sensing aspect of the remote is duff

If pointing and clicking is fine then looks like you have a bum mote

How long have u had the wii , cuz maybe you should try exchanging the remote at the shop
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Hmm I see.T_T I've only had my Wii for 2 weeks now. I tried the sensitivity options, the wii remote works fine. T_T
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Oh now the darn thing works! >_< I just tapped the remote with my palm and the *effing thing works again! So sorry for the trouble!T_T

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