Wii remote problem


WiiChat Member
Sep 21, 2007
Having problem with 2nd remote. Remote works fine in menu screens ect, but when trying to use in Wii Sports games, the motion activation does not work. The buttons/pad work, but cannot get motion (ex. to throw ball in bowling. B button works, but when releasing, the ball goes backwards because of no forward motion) tried all of the fixes like unplugging power, holding synch button 15 secs to unsynch then resynching ect. No help. swithed batteries and same result. only have no motion problem in the game, otherwise I can use the remote to point ect in the menus. Problem started when played baseball w/ son. He swung for bat and fell down (swung to hard i guess) but did not hit the remote on anything. His player who was batting then started to continuously swing without any input and we could not get the batter to stop swinging? He reset the game and now cannot get any motion control from that remote. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Is there any sunlight hitting the sensor bar or Wii Remote when playing? If so, that's most likely the problem since sunlight causes the Wii Remote to malfunction. However, if that does not work, then try unplugging the Wii from the wall socket when it's off and plug it back in. Thirdly, try re-syncing the remote, by doing the following:


From nintendo.com
FR. said:
Is there any sunlight hitting the sensor bar or Wii Remote when playing? If so, that's most likely the problem since sunlight causes the Wii Remote to malfunction.

The sensor bar is not used for the motion sensing, only for pointing, and that seems to work ok, according to the original message.

The remote sounds like it has a faulty motion sensing chip. Call up Nintendo, they'll help you out.
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Thank you all for the help and suggestions. I have tried unpluging the console and resynching the remote and there was no sunlight. Skippy's thought sounds right on as I did not know that the sensor bar is only for pointing and the remote works fine doing that. Sounds like bad motion chip in remote? Thanks again, I will contact Nintendo and forward the board my findings from them.
Before you call Nintendo, Thump the wiimote in you hand hard a few times. I read somewhere about this problem amd hitting it like this unstuck the motion sensor.
I had the exact same problem. My boy dropped the remote and the samething occured. I put the protective cover over the remote, slapped it firmly against my other hand and got the motion sensor to work again. I hope this isn't a common problem.

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