Wii Sports 2


Wii or not to Wii
Nov 30, 2006
Wii Online Code
The last days there are rumours at the Wii Forum of Nintendo Japan. From some reaction, Wii SPorts 2 , which is in development, is a huge success.

Wii Sports 2 would have, beside the 5 original games, also basketbal, swimming, horseracing, hockey and volleybal. Also Wii SPorts 2 would have online fuctions. So you can play against European, Japanes or Amerikan people.
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Swimming? That would be interesting! And I'd love to see online play with Wii Sports 2 (If there is going to be one)
SonicFalcoBrawlwii said:
they should have fenching i don't fench but it will be fun to fight someone like a nija or samirria (yes i spelled wrong)
there's a fencing minigame in super monkey ball
its sucks but it's there
also there's um...what's it called again?...oh yeh REDSTEEL
lol ;)
Is Nintendo working on a Wii sports 2? Cos i love the first one!

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