Wii Sports 2 !!!


WiiChat Member
Nov 12, 2006
If there was a wii sports 2 to come out in the future. what sports would you like to see on it? and, how would you use the wii controllers or controller too play it? :)
point where u wanna shoot and shake the nunchuk as hard as u can for power......and when ur in net use both controllers(wiimote n nunchuk).you hold them lyk your in net...or about to save
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i would like to see cricket. but i dont think it would be a big hit!!!
From what reviews and gameplay footage I'd personally like a more depth in the game, more sports, and online play/leader boards.
Hmm, this one's a toughy. How about Darts...

...or Archery...

...or basketball...

Darts controls- Turn the controller upsidedown and use the wiimote as a dart. Instead of releasing the dart, press down B the button (At least I think that's the right button). - Comes complete with scorer adding up the numbers and telling you what to go for next out of the Wiimote's speaker.

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