Wii to surpass Xbox 360 by '08?


Wii New and Reviews
Nov 28, 2006
Wii Online Code
Wii will not only surpass the Xbox 360 installed base, but the console may do so as early as 2008. This bold Nintendo Wii assertion comes by way of Reggie Fils-Aime in a recent interview with Dean Takahashi.

"The question is when," he said on the subject on Wii toppling Xbox 360. "That's going to be driven by our own sales rate and getting good software released at the right time. It's clear they are slowing down. It's not unthinkable to see that next year we could surpass their installed base."

When confronted with the baffling fact that Bill Gates doesn't consider Nintendo's console competition, Fils-Aime dismissed it.

"When you're as rich as Bill is, you can say anything," Reggie said. "They have done some things that are brilliant at Microsoft. We want to bring gaming back to the masses. Consumers are voting with their wallets and pocketbooks."

And with the way the voting has gone so far, there will be no need for a recount.

Here's the source http://www.nintendorevolution.ca/02122007/10/reggie_nintendo_wii_will_overtake_xbox_360_quickly
i deff think it will. wii is shipping out over 700k a month. atleast. and i work at a gamestop/eb games. and basically i get over 30 calls a day. "do you have any wiis" weve tabbed it. and wii sold over 1.1 by the end of the year.

360 has 2 million units in the american homes. wii is catching up at a fast rate. and extremly.

the only reason microsoft isnt worried is because of one market. the online gaming. which soon wii will have. nintendo has always looked ahead. and this time, its perfect timing.
what was all that BS about: WE're not trying to compete against 360 and ps3

not their just gloating because they got off to a good start even though its long term that counts which so far wtih the wii dosent look promising unless a grade A game comes out every week

just read that above post, 360 has 2 million units in america....you dont deserve to give your opinion if you think that xD
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WeToYou said:
Wii won't surpass xbox.
Why not? Name over 10 good games that are exclusive to the 360?
I can name over 12 exclusive games on the Wii that are good.
Next we have the Virual Console which this year will be giving us games like Star Fox 64, Donkey Kong country and Mario Kart (SNES)

Plus we have Super Smash with FREE online, plus Metriod, Pokemon, Battle Tanks and Mario Strikers, and now rumors that Mario Party many have online destroys the Xbox having Gears of war, Call of Duty, Vegas, Ghost Recon and Halo 3 for 50 dollars a year.
JerrodDRagon said:
Why not? Name over 10 good games that are exclusive to the 360?
I can name over 12 exclusive games on the Wii that are good.
Next we have the Virual Console which this year will be giving us games like Star Fox 64, Donkey Kong country and Mario Kart (SNES)

Plus we have Super Smash with FREE online, plus Metriod, Pokemon, Battle Tanks and Mario Strikers, and now rumors that Mario Party many have online destroys the Xbox having Gears of war, Call of Duty, Vegas, Ghost Recon and Halo 3 for 50 dollars a year.

1. Gears of War
2. Enchanted Arms
3. Dead Or Alive 4
4. Lost Planet
5. Chromehounds
6. Fuzion Frenzy 2
7. Viva Pinata
8. Battlestations Midway
9. Perfect Dark Zero
10. Crackdown
11. Moto GP 06
12. Kameo

And games to be coming out:

-Too Human
-Halo 3
-Halo Wars
-Blue Dragon
-Mercanaries 2
-Dance Dance Revolution:Universe
-Banjo Kazooie 3
-Bullet Witch

And not to mention many other surprises that are currently not revealed. So please, instead of being the common fanboy, do your research.
We own the wii and 360. I like the wii and my husband prefers the 360. It's all what you're looking for.
Get both, hell get all three. They're all great. But Xbox has alot of good games dropping which will make sales blast off.
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First off I loved the Xbox and thought it was the best last gen system (so no Im not a Nintendo fanboy)
So let me ask you do you own all or Half of those games?
Next Halo Wars is not out this year and neither is Banjo Kazooie 3 (can wait for that one) And you forgot to add mass Effect that game looks Sweet but I still want Kotor 3 for the 360 or Wii.
Lastly the Wii also great AT LEAST 2 great games from the Virtual Console every month (Mario 64, Super Mario World, Mario Kart, Zelda, Zelda: Link to the Past, Street Fighter II: The World Warrior and Super Castlevania and more to come)
But as of right now I am not impressed by the 360 and see no games (except Gears of War) That I really want. When Mass effect and Halo 3 come out I'll get a system. But if you look at a Calander of Nintendo's Paln to put game out your'll see at least one game you want from the Wii every 2 months (if not more) for me I see a new game I want every month, but most months have more than one good game coming out (this Month Sonic, Wii play and SSX blur come out) Thats not including VC games.
But We'll have to wait until next Christmas to see who put out more good games and who offered more.
Online Gaming in this day & age is the wanted thing. Xbox has that right now, Wii doesn't.
Kamikaze said:
1. Gears of War
2. Enchanted Arms
3. Dead Or Alive 4
4. Lost Planet
5. Chromehounds
6. Fuzion Frenzy 2
7. Viva Pinata
8. Battlestations Midway
9. Perfect Dark Zero
10. Crackdown
11. Moto GP 06
12. Kameo

And games to be coming out:

-Too Human
-Halo 3
-Halo Wars
-Blue Dragon
-Mercanaries 2
-Dance Dance Revolution:Universe
-Banjo Kazooie 3
-Bullet Witch

And not to mention many other surprises that are currently not revealed. So please, instead of being the common fanboy, do your research.

From what I hear Bullet Witch sucks, but I think I can agree with everything else.
Kamikaze said:
1. Gears of War
2. Enchanted Arms
3. Dead Or Alive 4
4. Lost Planet
5. Chromehounds
6. Fuzion Frenzy 2
7. Viva Pinata
8. Battlestations Midway
9. Perfect Dark Zero
10. Crackdown
11. Moto GP 06
12. Kameo

And games to be coming out:

-Too Human
-Halo 3
-Halo Wars
-Blue Dragon
-Mercanaries 2
-Dance Dance Revolution:Universe
-Banjo Kazooie 3
-Bullet Witch

And not to mention many other surprises that are currently not revealed. So please, instead of being the common fanboy, do your research.

personally i have no interest in any of those, particularly if it means buying a 360 when same or similar run on my pc. taste varies.
JerrodDRagon said:
First off I loved the Xbox and thought it was the best last gen system (so no Im not a Nintendo fanboy)
So let me ask you do you own all or Half of those games?
Next Halo Wars is not out this year and neither is Banjo Kazooie 3 (can wait for that one) And you forgot to add mass Effect that game looks Sweet but I still want Kotor 3 for the 360 or Wii.
Lastly the Wii also great AT LEAST 2 great games from the Virtual Console every month (Mario 64, Super Mario World, Mario Kart, Zelda, Zelda: Link to the Past, Street Fighter II: The World Warrior and Super Castlevania and more to come)
But as of right now I am not impressed by the 360 and see no games (except Gears of War) That I really want. When Mass effect and Halo 3 come out I'll get a system. But if you look at a Calander of Nintendo's Paln to put game out your'll see at least one game you want from the Wii every 2 months (if not more) for me I see a new game I want every month, but most months have more than one good game coming out (this Month Sonic, Wii play and SSX blur come out) Thats not including VC games.
But We'll have to wait until next Christmas to see who put out more good games and who offered more.

Xbox wasn't the best last gen system, all it had was Halo and games for Star Wars buffs. Other than that, the system overall sucked. Playstation 2 took the market, and even had Japan's support, while Xbox was mostly used in North America and a lot of it was just for homebrewing and storing CDs. Also, unlike the Virtual console, the 360 (xbox live) gets games by publishers that are unique and new (i.e. Geometry wars, notice after the release of it, Every Extend Extra was soon released for the Psp.). Now I'm not backing sides on both terms, as I do enjoy both systems (and I'm soon to purchase a 360.). You're telling me that Blue Dragon, in which the creators of Final Fantasy have made, gives you no interest? As well as playing a game that was made by the people who made the original Grand Theft Auto? Right now, you, as well as many other posters are in something I like to call "Fanboy Denial". As for Wii Play, it's just a cheap alternative for a Wii remote and game, while the in depth of it all isn't that compelling.
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Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
no 360 ganes catch my eye except forza 2 and thats not exclusive cause its on ps3 too.
Wll for me I would never buy Lost Planet for 60 bucks along with most of those games. Thats another reason I like the Wii becuase the games are cheaper but are still fun (like DBZ, Zelda, Trauma Center, and Wario Ware) Plus when some of the game prices drop for some of the games like Red Steel and Elbits go down in price I'll buy them. But also most of Nintendo's games are for everyone meaning Mario, Super Smash, Zelda, Mario Kart etc there games that overal most people like them while games like Lost Planet may not be your thing same with alot of other gun games on the 360.

Also someone said that the 360 has online, yes it does but who much are you paying for it? If you keep your 360 for 5 years your paying 250 bucks for online, while Wii owners get free online games, Free Demo Channel, Everyone votes channel, Weather Channel and News Channel Plus The Wii shop channel. Im not saying X-box live is not assume because it is but right now I see only a small hand ful of good online games like Gears of War and other gun
games but what if your not a gun game fan? Then the Wii fits you better seeing how it gets a couple of guy titles but also has great Puzzle, Adventure , action games. Plus if you have the Wii Browser (which is free until June) you can play Wiiarcade games which they have over 60 titles on it FOR FREE, hell there not the best games but just as good as most X-Box arcade games.

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