Wii Today?? wtf


WiiChat Member
Dec 15, 2009
Wii Online Code
I went on my wii and went on the calender and its syaing I played wii sports today etc when I clearly haven't been on and I dont think my mum or dad knows how to even turn on the wii or anything so Im 100% they haven't played :S it says I played for 23mins!
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no they didnt... why do you have to make useless posts I see you do it all the time.
Venom has a point there. Someone in your family used it, and whats the big deal that there is 23 minutes there?
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what a useless thread haha. It dosen't just magicly appear there if you did'nt play duh
Exactly the point I was making duh brain... and no no one used it no one knows how to in my house seeing though my dad has been at work all day, and I'd be surprised if my mum even knows I have a wii.
I went on my wii and went on the calender and its syaing I played wii sports today etc when I clearly haven't been on and I dont think my mum or dad knows how to even turn on the wii or anything so Im 100% they haven't played :S it says I played for 23mins!
My wii did that and I posted it on this site and people said it sounds like a maufunction. If you dont believe me look for the thread "I think my wii is hacked"
what a useless thread haha. It dosen't just magicly appear there if you did'nt play duh
Exactly the point I was making duh brain... and no no one used it no one knows how to in my house seeing though my dad has been at work all day, and I'd be surprised if my mum even knows I have a wii.
Too bad you have minimum contact with your family.

A true pity.

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