wiimote flying into tvs

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look at all the things on that site and have a look at comments all are fake or idiots swinging too hard or wearing heels or jumping and breaking fans and stuff when u dont need to be sensible mr good maybe read the comments not just the stories even one of the articles on the site says "Obviously this is 100% real, just look at it. If I've learned one thing in my life, it's that the internet and pictures are always true, and when you combine them together on youtube... They become super true" i mean how much of an idiot do you have to believe that of course he was being sarcastic you are just gullible i mean you probably think http://www.wiihaveaproblem.com/show_article.php?id=111 is real wear strap, don't let go, be sensible not a wiitard end of story
My maraccas never flew out my hand when playing samba de amigo, and you had to go mental swinging those things around on that game!
I've never let go of my wii-mote but when my friend first played it she got a little over zealous...she managed to hit the coffee table with it when boxing and the batteries game flying out when playing boxing, and then hit the wall and chipped off some paint when playing tennis...but even after all that she never did let go of the remote. So I'm not worried about the remote slipping out of my hands and breaking something. Oh...and she has hella sweaty hands but still managed to hold on!
you buy a new baseball bat... u dont hit people do you? no. why? because you are careful.

You dont get a new gun n accidentally shoot people do you? no cuz your careful.

And you dont go hitting people and tvs with wiimotes saying you were just "getting into the game" n then try n say its nintendo's fault for not making it up to your bohemoth dimwit standards. I cant sue the bat company when i lose my baseball bat n hit my team mate. U cant expect nintendo to wipe your sorry ass when you go crazy n whack your family or your new 1080i dlp tv.

MrGood said:
That's an incredibly ignorant and unrealistic comment to make, wii17.

I haven't yet had a problem with my wiimote but blaming stupid kids for not correctly attaching their straps correctly is grossly inaccurate and only proves to illustrate your immaturity. Nintendo themselves have admitted to a design fault through a weakness in the cord connecting the wiimote and the wrist strap and have issued a recall so as a stronger strap can be replaced.

Straps break, people swing too hard or lose track of their location in the room and sometimes hit an object, but blaming it on their stupidity is ironic considering your remarks. I would presume some people have broken objects as a result of their stupidity but that is not the sole reason, nor, likely the most probable reason. The most frequent reason for a break is because of a snap in the cord, or through hitting an object.

Don't make uneducated posts designed to mislead people in the future.

In response to the original poster: www.wiihaveaproblem.com illustrates some of the varying difficulties people are having overcoming the area they need in which to move to play the wii.

Wow what a dick.

If you swing and let go of the remote. whose fault is it? YOURS FU<KTARD
If you swing too hard and the strap breaks. whose fault is it? YOURS FU<KTARD
Dont wear the strap at all? FU<KTARD
hit someone in the face? No spacial awareness makes you a FU<KING FU<KTARD.
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The way I look at it, the strap is just a last resort safety measure. Don't let go of the remote and you're fine. My family and I have logged 200+ hours on our Wii, and no one has let go of a remote yet. Why? It's not because we're cautious, it's because we use common sense and HOLD ONTO THE REMOTE.

Next time MrGood, don't post something you know is hypocritical. Wiihaveaproblem is no more credible than a gaming blog. It's been proven that during many instances the cord was broken AFTER the accident in an attempt to blame Nintendo.

Blaming stupid kids and stupid people is not inaccurate. You really do have to be a moron to throw your remote at your TV. It's time people learned a little bit of responsibility here.
Kryptenx said:
The way I look at it, the strap is just a last resort safety measure. Don't let go of the remote and you're fine. My family and I have logged 200+ hours on our Wii, and no one has let go of a remote yet. Why? It's not because we're cautious, it's because we use common sense and HOLD ONTO THE REMOTE.

Next time MrGood, don't post something you know is hypocritical. Wiihaveaproblem is no more credible than a gaming blog. It's been proven that during many instances the cord was broken AFTER the accident in an attempt to blame Nintendo.

Blaming stupid kids and stupid people is not inaccurate. You really do have to be a moron to throw your remote at your TV. It's time people learned a little bit of responsibility here.

Abit harsh there I think. Simply...



Stupid Person

[Dont read spoiler if your 10 and Under xD]
goofy1641 said:
I've never let go of my wii-mote but when my friend first played it she got a little over zealous...she managed to hit the coffee table with it when boxing and the batteries game flying out when playing boxing, and then hit the wall and chipped off some paint when playing tennis...but even after all that she never did let go of the remote. So I'm not worried about the remote slipping out of my hands and breaking something. Oh...and she has hella sweaty hands but still managed to hold on!

A girl with sweaty hands, this is a money saver.
MrGood said:
I'm not going to diverge from the topic to give you a physics lesson, but a soccer ball has a far less likely hood of breaking a window than a wiimote.

Are you fu<kin stupid? Why are you trying to act all high and mighty "give you a physics lesson" who the **** are you trying to be?

If you knew what you were talking about you wouldn't be wrong.
thankyou everyone that stood up for my point there are some genuine people on this site as i know now alot more than the a**holes thanks guys i will add most of you to my buddy list if you let me
Time for good old-fashioned e-pen0r deflating.

A close for a topic which is the breeding ground of flames and nasty things being said!
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