Wiimote problem


King of pwnage.
Aug 7, 2006
Okay, I was playing Wii Boxing, the training, and then I accidentally smacked the controllers together, and it wasn't that hard. Now, the wiimote completely stopped working. We tried bowling, and it won't even do anything, if you swing it for ANYTHING, it won't even budge. any help for this? I need an answer ASAP.
Try completly unpluging the system,don't just turn it off,make sure the wiimote is still detected by the Wii, and the sensor bar is funtional, but first try standing futher back, it works much better that way
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never mind, i was on the computer for over an hour trying to find an answer. then, for one last shot, my dad says, "try smacking them together again." LO AND BEHOLD IT WORKED!!!
so now the wiimote is working again. LOL.

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