Will the Controler make you tired?


"The Chosen One"
May 21, 2006
I was wondering if after awhile will you actually get tired by doing all the actions using the motion sensor? I mean I think your arm will get sore after playing tenis for awhile but im not sure.
The people do seem to be having alot of fun in the video clips. Maybe that'll make you forget about the weight of the controller. :p

But then again, there is something known as "taking a rest". ;)
It might do, it's just something you may have to adjust to since you're new to it. ^_^
It depends. It will most likely make your wrists tired considering the amount of flicking of the wrists your doing but I don't think it will make your whole arm tired.
WiiT said:
It depends. It will most likely make your wrists tired considering the amount of flicking of the wrists your doing but I don't think it will make your whole arm tired.

And that is what I'm a bit concerned with. If I have the free time, I can play video games for hours without feeling any discomfort. Unless I am playing a fighting game, which might involve some button mashing.

But an RPG or adventure game, 7-8 hours is no problem in having any discomfort.

However, with the Wii, playing that long could, as you said, make your wrists tired or even your arms tired if you have them suspended in the air from waving the controller around.

But I guess we can't really say for sure until trying it for ourselves.
The new controller will be a great way of excercise.
No longer can they say playing video games makes you fat.
The new controller will intergrate exercise into the video game playing.
Cooldogs said:
The new controller will be a great way of excercise.
No longer can they say playing video games makes you fat.
The new controller will intergrate exercise into the video game playing.

LOL wouldnt that be great if they made a turbo jam type of video game.

As for the controller, you do have a valid point. I dont think that it will much of a problem though. As Pit said you just have to build up your endurance.
i chose wii because of its controller and so what if its tiring interactivity is why i wanted it and so what if you get exercise im a bit fat myself
anyway the moral of the story is thats the good thing about wii you will have to move to be involved in the game come on why the doom and gloom its interactive what more do you want
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If you are a beanbag player who sits on his arse with his belly hanging out....get an xbox360.

If you want some awesome interactivity then get the Wii and new controller
Now I don't think that the controller will cause any kind of harm or "fatigue" I mean if you are tired or something then you would/should just rest.
According to some articles I read by some who played the demos at E3, exhaggerated movements work fine like swinging your arm all over to play tennis - but small wrist movements you might make while plastered into your couch are just as effective. I wouldn't worry about arms and wrists getting tired much more than playing with a traditional controller, mouse, or joystick.

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