Will The Wiimote Have Motion Delay?


Am I Losing Friends?
Aug 8, 2006
Wii Online Code
What I'm Trying To Say Is... Uh... Heres An Example... TUrn On A Digital Camera And Turn 90 Degrees Or So... The Camera Hasn't Fully Caught All The Motin In Real-Time...

Do You Get WHat I'm Trying To Say?

i doubt itll be anything troublesome - if it were, they would increase the wiimote power and cut down the hours it functions on fresh batteries (at this point, an estimated 60 hours).
ive been talking to a guy who played the wii at a secret wii party, and he says like on zelda theres no delay with sword swinging or anything
but if your referring to say wii sports, i think the delay is purpseley there so it cna capture your full movement before trying to copy it exactly and make a mistake, get it?
so yah, but like on wii sports boxing, there has to be 0 delay, like, if you get punched then you block and in the time it takes for you to block cause of delay he punches you again, thats unfair, so any delays should be purposley
The camera doesnt delay, it just can't focus and therefore cant show you the picture you are trying to see. Its a little different with things like the wiimote.
^^no, there's a delay in the system, but that's a whole 'nother topic.

Anyway, there is *always* a delay in electronics. It's just a matter of if it's enough to be perseved by a human. From the clips I've seen from Nintendo, there seems to be a very slight delay (about 1/4 second) in the pointer, though I havn't seen anything recent on the gyro sensors.
its probably only a couple milliseconds, nothing to slam your controller over in the middle of a game because of the lag

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