wuh oh bad news maybe...


WiiChat Member
Aug 22, 2006


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This is totally not correct, look it up on the official nintendo site. The Wii will be $230, look it up before u post these things, this stuff has already beennn explained.
Seriously... Nintendo WOuldnt Do That To Us... Especially Not Now...
ssbb_lover said:
This is totally not correct, look it up on the official nintendo site. The Wii will be $230, look it up before u post these things, this stuff has already beennn explained.

Wheres your source for that.....?

and thats just a random site someone made, im sorry but thats stupid of you to post that
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did you guys even go to the site? im talking in terms of clock speed and power.

jesus christ.
yah, and that dosent change the fact its just some site anyone could of made
The price only being supposively $200-$250, this wouldn't be all that suprising. I wouldn't worry about it though, all it really means is just that the Wii games wont be as pretty.
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hey weebs i know (give or take 100) what the price will be/wont be

im talking about system specs? yea?
Sovieto said:
Wheres your source for that.....?

and thats just a random site someone made, im sorry but thats stupid of you to post that
To be fair, there's been a lot of people posting supposed release dates and prices based on an individual sites "theory". I don't think you should slate him for posting it. At the very least, you've proven that the "theory" (because that's what it is, in effect) is incorrect. I also don't think refering to him as doing something "stupid" is very constructive. "I believe this is incorrect (then add a source for your reasoning)" would suffice.
Sovieto said:
Wheres your source for that.....?

and thats just a random site someone made, im sorry but thats stupid of you to post that

This proves that you shouldn't be and Admin >.>

Anyways this dosn't really sound that real.
Nobody has released the actual specs yet, if this site had valid sources then everyone would have this info, just sit back relax and quit looking at the idoit sites out there that are just looking for hits so they post anything real or not(most often not) to get people there.
sasuke747 said:
This proves that you shouldn't be and Admin >.>

Anyways this dosn't really sound that real.

well the fact is i could make a website that same way, **** my fingers are numb right now and it feels very weird typing, anyways this is just more info to fool new-comers then they post things about this saying OMG IS TIHS TRUE?> then its a chain of events....just like the Wii Online thing.........
yah i guess so but i just suggested me being an admin not for doing anything but banned people who are completley spamming and bad posts and what not, since im ussualy always on, i just wanted quicker reaction to banning people like monkey

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