Xbox turns a profit after six years!


Dec 1, 2007
Augusta, GA

In the last six years, there's been one constant when discussing Microsoft's foray into the strange and seductive world of video game console manufacturing: they had yet to turn a profit on any of it. No more, with today's announcement of Microsoft's second quarter earnings which showed a relatively impressive six-month income of $524 million (compared to a $423m loss during the same period last year) from the the Xbox's Entertainment and Devices Division.

Before you go thinking that was all thanks to the Zune and PC game sales, the company's 10-Q filing states that the EDD's increased revenue was "primarily due to increased Xbox 360 platform sales." During the last six months they say Xbox platform and PC game revenue increased 35% as a result of "increased Xbox 360 console sales, video game sales led by Halo 3, Xbox Live revenues, and Xbox 360 accessory sales." (Sounds like EDD bossman Robbie Bach nailed it).

The 6.1 million Xbox 360 consoles and 4.82 million copies of Halo 3 sold in the first half of fiscal '08 sure helped, but so did "decreased Xbox 360 manufacturing costs" and "a decline in Xbox 360 platform marketing expenses" – it's costing less to build them and less to promote the brand. But they'll need to hold on far longer than one quarter to make their sojourn into the living rooms of America worthwhile; for the rest of fiscal '08 they "expect revenue to increase due to increased sales of Xbox 360 consoles and related games, accessories, and services." Yup, that sounds about right.

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Nah, I dont mind forking over a small $4 a month for XBL. It forces MS to make sure they have the best online, even if they dont care for us. The chances of MS letting their #1 online spot are very slim. Either way even a homeless man can find a way to scrape up a measily $4 a month for Live :p
I love Xbox so much!!! I can't wait to get one once I start working so I could play some Halo 3 and COD4. Good job Xbox, good job.
looks lyk u can teach an ol dog new triks

Xboz u sly peice o4 fckn **** :lol: :lol: :lol:
Soon it will sel moar ten w11
"the Xbox's Entertainment and Devices Division." is what just turned a profit. Not the xBox. Not to mention that the 360 is not an xBox, nor is the xBox a 360. Geesh. Too many people in the news media choose to not differentiate between older/new models. Just like the Wii is not a SNES.
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"The Xbox's Entertainment and Devices Division" is the whole Xbox division. Xbox includes the original Xbox and Xbox 360 along with its accesories.

Wii and SNES are "Nintendo" so its "Nintendo Wii" "Nintendo Gamecube" "Super Nintendo Entertainment System"

But no one calls the Xbox a "Microsoft Xbox" Microsoft is a big company so im pretty sure it will always be called a Xbox with something added. For example Xbox 360, Xbox Sphere, Xbox Zion, etc. etc. These aren't real names (besides 360) mind you, its just examples.

Just like im sure Playstation will always be called Playstation. (I think)

While Nintendo will always be Nintendo with an extention to the name for the console.

Anyway to the topic, the whole topic is saying that Microsoft's gaming department (Xbox) is now gaining a profit on its own. Which is a great thing because that means there's a good chance Xbox will last unlike SEGA which kept failing time and time again vs Nintendo.
T3kNi9e said:
Its the "Wii" but its still Nintendo Wii

Just like Sony Playstation

actually that is different..... since you are being critical about the names nintendo said that that it is only called the Wii .. and if you must add "nintendo" to the name it will only be the Wii by nintendo or ... nintendo's wii system etc...

think of it this way .... if nintendo were to give you a test and it is MC this would how it would be like

"what is the newest nintendo system"
A) Wii
B) Nintendo wii

and there would only be one correct answer.. which would be A and not B. A a note.. althought they both seem like the correct answer one of them "is the best answer".... and is something you will have to deal with in school for years to come..... especially if you have an ass for a prof....

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