Number 1 GE Wiimote User
So I thought I would air my frustrations, and at the same time start a comical thread. Does anyone else have this same experience?
I started playing today around 10:30. Turned on the wii and after 5 failures to connect to the server, got the usual wii freeze with a beep. That's a good thing, though, because anytime the wii freezes when connecting, I know that after I hold in the power button, say a little prayer, sacrifice a lamb, do a rain dance, rub a rabbit's foot, and reverently reboot the machine, it will definitely connect for whatever reason the next time around. Finally online with Goldeneye.
Before starting a game, I go to check my place on the leaderboard. Good news: over 2.5M legit xp and counting. Bad news: about 1/2 of the people ahead of me xp cheated in some way to get there. Oh well, I don't know why I care about that stuff anyway. The game's been out for going on 2 years. I guess I am old-school. Onto the game.
So I start in regular conflict. Game is going well until I get to 29 with a 10 point lead. Host quit. Surprise there! Well who needs him anyway, sore loser. Fortunately, the system selected me to host next. I won 6 or 7 in a row until some people named "POTATO SALAD" and "&Minny" joined. They beat me fair and square in back to back games. Good game to them. Then they left and I started another winning streak. Good.
After winning a couple more, I decided to change. I thought, "Let's switch is up and play golden gun for a bit." Oh wait, no. <insert "family feud" x sound here> Wii freeze with a beep after I get up to 25 points and leading by 15. Then of course after rebooting, the game puts me back in that same game just in time to see it end with me at the bottom - 0 kills 0 deaths. Tell me we've never seen this one before.
So the carnage continues for an hour or so. Time flies when I play this game so much that my dog had to come remind me to take a break and walk him. Whatever, I'll give the noob squad a break from their daily beatings. Of course when I got back, my Wii mote batteries died in the middle of the game. Here and I thought someone was hacking me because the game wasn't allowing me to run. Nah. I was just out of juice! Who knew!?
So the host quits between matches of golden gun and we get a new host. Of course I should've known what was going to happen when I saw the new host's name:
:-:://{})) or something like that. Hacker. My silencer was now gone. Everything started blowing up sideways. No one had to reload anymore. People started flying. The sky started falling. Golden monkeys riding horseback while eating bananas started descending from the heavens. The hacker-host even had some cheating super-auto-pistol-killing-cannon I've never seen before. When he fired, it sounded like something getting stuck in a vacuum cleaner. 5 and 6 people were dying at a time about every 3 seconds. Bottom line, all digital hell started breaking loose. I quit that one. Why waste my time? You can't play against Satan after all, even if he was giving you 666 xp per kill.
And so the above insanity test continued for about 7 hrs...it is the end of a long day of Wii Goldeneye. I gritted it out and significantly added to my xp total. I've moved up the meaningless leaderboard yet again. I've passed some legitimately good players, and a whole bunch of cheating, not-so-good players. My k/d ratio has improved. My wins/losses have improved. I am another day closer to senility with nothing material in the world to show for it. I wonder why I keep doing this to myself every day. This must be one heck of a good, addicting game for me to keep plaaaaaaaa...........
Damnit. Not again!
I started playing today around 10:30. Turned on the wii and after 5 failures to connect to the server, got the usual wii freeze with a beep. That's a good thing, though, because anytime the wii freezes when connecting, I know that after I hold in the power button, say a little prayer, sacrifice a lamb, do a rain dance, rub a rabbit's foot, and reverently reboot the machine, it will definitely connect for whatever reason the next time around. Finally online with Goldeneye.
Before starting a game, I go to check my place on the leaderboard. Good news: over 2.5M legit xp and counting. Bad news: about 1/2 of the people ahead of me xp cheated in some way to get there. Oh well, I don't know why I care about that stuff anyway. The game's been out for going on 2 years. I guess I am old-school. Onto the game.
So I start in regular conflict. Game is going well until I get to 29 with a 10 point lead. Host quit. Surprise there! Well who needs him anyway, sore loser. Fortunately, the system selected me to host next. I won 6 or 7 in a row until some people named "POTATO SALAD" and "&Minny" joined. They beat me fair and square in back to back games. Good game to them. Then they left and I started another winning streak. Good.
After winning a couple more, I decided to change. I thought, "Let's switch is up and play golden gun for a bit." Oh wait, no. <insert "family feud" x sound here> Wii freeze with a beep after I get up to 25 points and leading by 15. Then of course after rebooting, the game puts me back in that same game just in time to see it end with me at the bottom - 0 kills 0 deaths. Tell me we've never seen this one before.
So the carnage continues for an hour or so. Time flies when I play this game so much that my dog had to come remind me to take a break and walk him. Whatever, I'll give the noob squad a break from their daily beatings. Of course when I got back, my Wii mote batteries died in the middle of the game. Here and I thought someone was hacking me because the game wasn't allowing me to run. Nah. I was just out of juice! Who knew!?
So the host quits between matches of golden gun and we get a new host. Of course I should've known what was going to happen when I saw the new host's name:
And so the above insanity test continued for about 7 hrs...it is the end of a long day of Wii Goldeneye. I gritted it out and significantly added to my xp total. I've moved up the meaningless leaderboard yet again. I've passed some legitimately good players, and a whole bunch of cheating, not-so-good players. My k/d ratio has improved. My wins/losses have improved. I am another day closer to senility with nothing material in the world to show for it. I wonder why I keep doing this to myself every day. This must be one heck of a good, addicting game for me to keep plaaaaaaaa...........
Damnit. Not again!
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