Zelda Virgin


Sep 6, 2006
Right, here goes.

When I buy my Wii, it will be the first Nintendo Console that I will actually take seriously. I only ever owned 1 game for my N64, and the same goes for the Gamecube.

Anyhow, Ill cut to the chase: I have never played Zelda before, and I am planning on buying Zelda: TP when I get the Wii.

But...what I want to know is Do I need to know information from different games, or are they all independant?

(Zelda: TP looks to be a great game, but if I dont know the story then...you know what I mean) :p
Alright, Here i go...
No.. You don't need info from other games.. but it would help make alot more sense of it for you.. Its not like "Ohh this happened in the last game so this is sure to happen in TP..." Its all based around the same gereral mosters and some characters.. but mostly they are independant
Wishale said:
Alright, Here i go...
No.. You don't need info from other games.. but it would help make alot more sense of it for you.. Its not like "Ohh this happened in the last game so this is sure to happen in TP..." Its all based around the same gereral mosters and some characters.. but mostly they are independant
thats true but also if u played ocarina of time it would help u know the charecters and towns and some certian stuff in tp.
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^Oh right, OK...

Well, from what you are saying it doesnt sound ESSENTIAL that you need to know it all...

Im sure my first Zelda experience will be a good one :) Especcialy on the Wii...first time...whole new depth :)
i say if you have a good enough PC, download Project 64 and the Zelda OoT ROM for it and play it. it is the best zelda game and its basicly the first zelda (kinda like star wars. they made 4, 5, and 6 and then made episode 1. OoT is episode 1 lol)
Yeah Buy TP!
It's Gonna Be The Greatest Zelda Game Ever Made...

Just Go To Some Zelda Website And Look Up Some Storylines!
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chessaholic said:
Well done on planning to buy zelda.

Out of interest, what was the one game you owned for each console?
N64 = Pokemon Stadium

GC = Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (which I was no good at)

^I might just do that...I did download Project 64 a while back, but it dodnt work properly...I will try again :)
You've missed some great games man. There's something about Zelda games that not many games have
deity_link said:
You've missed some great games man. There's something about Zelda games that not many games have
True, i probably have to say that zelda OoT and Majoras Mask were the 2 best games ever made. Zelda series are just superior!
I'm not entirely sure the stories are connected at all (with certain exceptions, e.g. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask). I've always assumed that apart from the exceptions they're entirely separate games with no bearing on each other.
GO DRMARIO!!!! I don't particullarly hate zelda but i am a mario fan and thats what i am.

PS:Dr Mario is an actual mario game except all it is is tetris with pills with red and white ends and all the same size. It's somewhere in my stash of old games.
Never played a Zelda game? No F'ing Way! You should definitely check out Zelda Ocarina of Time, it's easily the best Zelda game ever made. But yea, the games are independent of each other.

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