Zeldish: A Sprite Comic

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Thanks for the compliment! ^_^

All you people here and Wii chat: please have a look-see and leave a compliment on this thread. I would deeply appreciate it!

Oh, and expect an update very soon.
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I'm aiming to have part two up this weekend! So stay tuned! ^_^
Very nice, it's one of those comics u want all of the pages to come out, then read them all at once:D because it's so cruel when u read something u like then getting left off, it's evil! Lol.
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Mr_Stoukaph said:
very good. how long did it take you to make the comic?

It actually took a good while for me to make it. I spent a lot of time thinking about it, looking for sprites, backgrounds, and thinking up the storyline. But for actually putting that all together, I think I worked on it for about a week (not a week straight, but within a week). I put a lot of work into it (and still am. I'm at the tip of the iceberg right now)to make sure Zeldish will stay for a long time to come. I'm trying things you usually don't see in sprite comics. Take the sixth panel for example. Members at Zeldauniverse.net are loving this comic too (especially the sixth panel). So, to me, I feel like I'm helping to take sprite comics to the next level by escaping the flat 2-D look every once in a while. This does take a lot of work though, and is time consuming. So don't expect Zeldish to be a daily comic!

Arcadium said:
yeah it looks really good, I hope seen more comics like this!

Then I'll be sure not to disappoint! ^_^

ssbb_lover said:
Very nice, it's one of those comics u want all of the pages to come out, then read them all at once because it's so cruel when u read something u like then getting left off, it's evil! Lol

It looks like I'm doing my job then! If you're saying that after just the first comic, I wonder what you would have said if I had ten of them out?

But I'll make a promise about the next comic: Part Two will definately build more hype and leave you thirsting for more!

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