Anyone want to see link go Dark?


Wii New and Reviews
Nov 28, 2006
Wii Online Code
Anyone but me want Link to have an Evil side in one of his next adventures like if they make Twilight Princess 2 the Twilight is trying to take link over and he fights the darkness while fighting a new foe? It would be really cool if you could use wither the dark side link or normal Link. Like both have different powers it add some really cool new puzzles plus make the game more adult hopefully.
I thought that TP was pretty adult. The special skills were pretty violent, same with the attacks when your the dog. I think Nintendo will make link meaner in the next one, but I don't think that it can get much darker than Twilight Princess.
it might work, but they would have to be very discreet in the first half of the game. I wouldnt want to be evil all the time. maybe a choice?
I'm not so sure about that idea. I think it would be a bit cliche...

...Not that the Zelda franchise is all that "original" (still incredibly fun and immersive, just not that original (Still uses traditional fantasy elements - which do sell, like using bow and arrows, lack of technology, different races/race relations, using forms of Magic, 'other worlds' etc... Oh, and don't forget angry, small green monsters that are part of a vast army, wanting to kill everyone else).

Still, even now, the "traditional fantasy" games I like are Zelda ones. Now, non-traditional fantasy games, Like Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X etc. I like.

Ye, but back on topic, haven't we already seen this sort of thing with "Dark Link"?
Ummm zelda is a massive franchise, it's only compotition is mario. There is much darker games. Majora's mask for it's time was pretty dark. All new zelda fans only open to TP need to watch this.

Thres six of them trailing from the legend of zelda, to the phantom hourglass. Made by gametrailers so its modertly true and fair. Timeline talk is also in it.

-To answer your question in OoT (on VC and gamecube with master quest) water temple's mini boss is dark link, and oni link is a "darker" playable link in MA