Can gamers of today ?????

matthewj said:
well i hope they start putting more systems on the wii virtual console and release more games per week! More than the usual three need to increase to five or six per week or they are not going to get past the whole intire library like they wanted to!

Totally agreed. I'm hoping the VC eventually turns into a kind of Gametap-like library of hundreds of games from loads of different consoles, but they're never manage it at the rate of three games a week. Surely at least five would be a reasonable number?
Napalmbrain said:
I grew up on Sega, so my first console was a Mega Drive back in 1991. Loads of hours of fun that was. I can still remember spending tons of time on Zombies Ate My Neighbours (just called Zombies round these parts, due to silly censorship rules), even though I've completely forgotten about the school I went to at the time. :lol:


Damn that Intellivison controller is a contender for worst ever
At least the Jaguar had the idea to put the key pad someware outa the way (few games used it anyway and even then it was weapon select)
There is a inteivison collection on PS2 thats quite cheap

I got it and its a shame that theres only about five good games on it.
I wasn't around when nes and snes were out but I was there when n64 was. I have bought remakes of old games, compilations, and downloaded on the vc. I love old games and have somehow managed to semi grow up with them even though I wasn't alive when they were created.