contoller options/requirements


WiiChat Member
Jan 22, 2007
finally found a wii this weekend for my 9 year old sons birthday next month

i have been reading about the poor battery life of the controllers

my questions are:
  • is there a corded wiimote nunchuck controller available?
  • do you have to use the nunchuck controller for all games?
  • can you use a traditional Nintendo controller for all games?

what else does he need to enjoy the system with a few friends other than a few games? do i need to by another nunchuck and traditional controllers?
Firstly welcome to the forums.

1. Yes the Nunchuck attachment is wired and attaches to the Wii remote, but it does not plug into the Wii console and communicates wirelessly.

2. Some games do require the nunchuck attachment (Red Steel, Zelda etc), but for example Tennis and Bowling (WiiSports) only require the Wii remote itself.

3. Not too sure what you mean by traditional? Currently the Wii Remote and Nunchuck are the only controllers used for Wii games. Are you referring to the classic controller?

If so that controller is designed purely for use on the Virtual Console.

Hope that helps.
The nunchuck plugs into the bottom of the remote so is in a sense already corded and it runs off the battery in the remote.

You don't have to use the nunchuck for all games, it will depend of the games you get. The ones that use the nunchuck I can think of right off are Red Steel Zelda (although Zelda is only single player so thats not really a problem) and Wii Boxing.

You have to use the wii specific remote for all wii games. You use gamecube controllers to play gamecube games or Virtual console games. To play multiplayer you're going to need at least one more remote and possibly another nunchuck (I only recently got one as I wanted to play 2 player boxing!). If you're in the UK, WiiPlay is a series of mini games that comes with a remote for £34.99 - not a bad deal and a good way of getting an extra game!

Hope that goes some way to answering your questions. I'm sure others can add more :).

EDIT - *Whoops, someone got there first!*
I bought a GC controller from GAME today to play a few pre-owned gamecube games I picked up.

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think i got it

thank you, i get it now.

so the nunchuck plugs into the wii controller, so i guess my question is then:

is there a wired wii controller that does not require batteries and plugs into the console?

i know my son does not care for the xbox cordless as there is somewhat of a lag in reaction.

thanks for the help :thumbsup:
the battery pwoer in the wii isnt poor. for some hardcore gamers it may be, but not for most. and anyway, the recharger pack is coming soon for wii remotes. yay lol :)
There is no wired wii controller that plugs into the console.

Grab some re-chargeable batteries if you are worried (or wait for the recharger pack mentioned above).

I can't say about the xbox cordless, but I notice zero lag with the wii controller.
y2msu said:
thank you, i get it now.

so the nunchuck plugs into the wii controller, so i guess my question is then:

is there a wired wii controller that does not require batteries and plugs into the console?

i know my son does not care for the xbox cordless as there is somewhat of a lag in reaction.

thanks for the help :thumbsup:
No, there isn't any Wii controller that is wired, what you could do, which I don't perfer, and you need some soldering skills, is to go to a place like radio shack and buy a plug that has the same voltage as a AA battery and solder it to the battery connector in the wii-mote, so when there is a game that requires the wii-mote, or you just want to cruise around the Wii menu, you just plug it in and go, or you can take an old USB cable and cut the wirest to get to the electric current and do the same thing, then just plug it in the back of the Wii, but the current coming out of the USB cable may be different than the wii-mote requires, i'd say just get rechargables and interchange between 2 sets

as for XBOX cordless controllers, do you mean XBOX 360? Because as far as I know there is no lag, I have an XBOX 360 and I haven't noticed any lags in any of my controllers (I have two), but as far as I know, the XBOX 360 controller dosen't work with the Wii anyway