Could I get solid answers? GameCube controllers

Mecko said:
You can use GC controller for some of the retro games but on others you will need Retro controller for some losses the GC controller doesnt have like the Z button for N64 games.Gamecube controllers dont work with Wii games or vice-versa.
There is a Z button on the GC controller, In a better place than the classic controller as well.
here... Q: How can you use GCN controllers with Wii?

A: The console features what we're calling a GameCube docking station. When Wii is standing vertically, the GCN docking station is located at the top of the unit. A flap opens to reveal four GameCube controller ports and two GCN Memory Pak slots. Players simply plug in their GameCube controllers and Memory Paks and they are fully compatible with GCN games on Wii.

Q: How does Wii play GCN games?

A: Wii's front-loading disc drive accepts both 12cm Wii optical discs and 8cm GCN optical discs. The console plays both Wii games and GCN titles.

Q: Is it possible to use a GCN controller to play Wii games? What about vice versa?

A: There is still some confusion about whether or not this is possible. Masahiro Sakurai, director of the forthcoming Wii fighter Super Smash Bros. Brawl, said that the game would be playable only with a GameCube controller - not a Wii-mote. (The title will very likely also, if not solely make use of Wii's classic controller.) However, Nintendo executives have repeatedly stated that GCN controllers will be incompatible with Wii games. Backing the latter up is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, whose Wii version is only compatible with the Wii-mote and whose GCN build is only compatible with the GCN controller

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slurba said:
Unkown, yes, no (unless remade).

bringing back old threads when the person already has the awnser and probably dosen't even check this thread anymore....