Crocs? yes or no?

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yeah. That's what I ordered mine in. Black, brown, and olive drab are the only decent looking colors. I think most people sya they look dumb because all they ever see are poeple wearing bright orange, or green, or yellow ones.
That's true. Well I guess a black pair on a hot day wouldnt be so bad.
Mitch2025 said:
these hideous things are crocs:


my dad owns a pair and always has them on. i have never worn a pair and never will. now i dont care about fashion but i would never be caught dead in these things
Wow, I will be steering clear of those things at all costs if I see them in the UK. :lol:
i think they are the most uncomfortable things ever, but then i have ruined my feet with cycling shoes.
I dont think u can pay me to wear those!
Hm, everyone has them here in the UK or something, I just always referred to them as those ugly flip flops things.

To me, comfort is not something you strive for today and I don't see why anyone would just not wear a pair of trainers. On a hot summer day, I see you all mentioning, they have been banned from a couple of European countries because the plastic would melt and cause burns to people with sensitive skin, especially children, so I'd doubt I'd try them. They've apparently been fixed but I don't see how they could have done them...

Being in Liverpool of course, people have actually brought comfort into trend, but, they're all ridiculous. I hated that everyone used to go out of a day in their pyjamas, even go around the supermarket, meet up with their friends, in their pyjamas. It's just something I wouldn't sacrifice for being an idiot.

What is comfort to be remembered as in the future? You'll look back and think "Oh what the hell are those things on my feet?" I don't need to paint the rainbow with my shoes.

These things have detroyed a lot of competition for shoe manufacturers, the light weight and plastic are easy to buy, and evidently not a lot of thought process went into making them look nice, they have absolutely destroyed the fashion industry.

Why are you people so whiney? What's wrong with just a normal pair of shoes? If you're nuffed after work them have a freakin' bath or something. I find that my shoes are comfortable, they're slip ons. They're actual trainers that are like the style of crocs, but less ugly and made out of good durable material. I've had them for, about seven years, I don't intend to get rid of them. If I strive for comfort that much I'd just put them on my feet.
I got my old Adidas, (probably had them for 5-6 years) and my Airwalks I got over in summer. Honestly, a good pair of shoes with some good insoles are better.

ps I tried some of those on this morning and they actually didnt seem comfortable to me at all =/
I would never spend money on those, but if they were free I might consider wearing them (never in public).
I think they're pretty ugly.

In summer most Aussies wear thongs (I think they're called flip-flops in other countries). Now these are comfortable and look better IMO:

Rainbows ftw down here in Southern California.

Once broken in are the most amazing sandals/thongs/flip-flops I have ever worn.
Actually haven't worn anything but those in the past 4 months.